This is unusual , but i obligation help out!?? Girls please!?

I dont have my period on the other hand , i am not sue when i am suppost to have it. I have discharge pretty much everyday , sometimes not as doomed to failure .. but since this morning its been brown. And its been doing it adjectives day. Is this a sign that im getting my period? or merely part of some more discharge? Help!

Answers:    that sounds like your on your term, when a girl has her period for the first time she starts beside a small brown stain in her underwear or she sees it when she wipe her self then she gets strapping red blood so try having pads merely incase you are on your period a girl also has brown blood when her length starts or ends it is normal its brown because when you bleed a little it take longer for the blood to flow down so by the time it gets out side your body it turns from red to brown, and since your young you draw from allot of discharge once your hormones settle down you wont have as much .
I'm pretty sure this means you're going to hold your period. That happened to me around the time I be going to get mine. It happened for a few days, and next it finally happened when I was at college. Just wait and be patient, it will come, and remember to save a pad in your rucksack just in shield it happens when you least expect it! Always wear a panty liner too. It probably does, it will gain brown, then slowly fade to red, and that means you own your period? Does your lower back hurt, do you own cramps? Those are other signs your about to get your term. Always carry around a pad..
Yes sweetie, your time is coming. The brown discharge is pretty much dry blood. I always have brown the first daytime of my period then it turns red. Then it's brown again for a couple of days afterwards. Goodluck you're probably gonna go and get pretty soon.
i got a lot of discharge in the past mine, and i did get the brown.
then what do you know, i get my period..
Most likely your getting your extent,
It always happens to me. your roughly speaking to start your period happens to me adjectives the time as time goes by it will get more healthy-looking..
me either . wait for mother personality

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