Period ? Huh ? HELP !?

Yesterday i had my first period . it be really light and hardly any blood . but today i havent see any blood. have i stopped my periods alreay ? WHAT GOING ON !

Answers:    You might hold already stopped (it can last only a year or two when you first begin your period) or it might seem approaching it's stopped, but hasn't. Make sure you're prepared in case it hasn't really stopped.

Your period are likely to be irregular for the first two years-sometimes they can last a completely short amount of time, sometimes they last a long time, and they can come at irregular intervals. Don't worry more or less it. It's perfectly normal..
yeah it is
it might come spinal column tho, like maby tommorow it will come back.
i have my first period lik a week ago and just as i thaught it be gone (after 2 days) it came back, luckily i be wearing a pad just incase.
very well, most periods last for in the order of 2-7 days. I read that sometimes your period stops in between, but it sin't over but. I'm sure it's normal because ive had it too beforehand. so, chill out!

this is normal for the first period you verbs to 2 and 3 and so on you will start having a normal cycle of 3 to 7 days. When you hold your 1st period it may only second for 1 day as you arn't regular yet.
Hope this have helped you.
Good Luck.x.
It is normal for your first spell. it might have been ink or somthing you might not enjoy actutualy started xx.

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