LADIES ONLY PLEASE.. vagina wax?

Ladies only please.. need your backing!?
Ok so I have already started puberty and I'm not glad how things are working out. My breasts are growing slow.. but my vagina is growing a forest! Im serious.. I realli wanna wax and you know I cant do it alone so I wanna ask a proffesional. My sister got hers wax and she noes the woman . I realli wanna get mine wax but the problem is i'm too scared /embaressed of showing my below because to some stranger its so disguisting. For some origin I dont mind being topless but i'm concerned of being bottomless...

what do i do? someone convince me or something.. ?any experiences..? websites or merely anything..

help me be more confident.. please.. :(


I hav a chief problem of big breast i am melancholy because they r not tighte .how to gross them tight?

to be honest i'm the same, i approaching to keep somethings private.

however, in the lapse this lady has see MILLIONS of vagina's and even though we may think something is wrong, digusting or different with ours, i'm sure we're adjectives just very self-concious.

(a little handy piece to remember is, this professional has probably seen 85 year elderly lady's with wrinkly vag's... so makes you perceive a little bit better, huh?)

maybe communicate your sister or the lady she know's that does waxing this, and i'm sure they can endow with some words of advice...

otherwise, like me, you can lately shave below, which is much more annoying, but good for 'first timers'.

hope this helps for a while.

p.s don't worry, your just hitting puberty so your boobs will be slow compared to pubic hackle growth...

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r u serious? That hurts like hell, u have no concept how that father used to say that if you arent sure about something don't do it.

all right i did and i tell you when the shaving rash (trauma) go down and i could work i thought i had something special. I guess I did.
anyway three days later when the coat started to grow back i suffered unbearably. It make my skin crawl just thinking about it.
we girls forget childbirth honey.. but a woman never forgets a wax commission.

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I shave first, and then the next morning after the hair has grown some, i'll wax. Don't be flushed to go to someone and get it done, but i infer you should do it yourself, alot of people do it, as well as going somewhere to grasp it done by someone else. Even celebs do it. Do what you like!


first of all, imsorry i am a guy.
You shouldn't be ashamed of what god or your parents give you, im sure the waxer will not think any less of you if you budge there to get wax, he or she will be just doing their DAILY job so they see it everyday i hope this boosted your convidence, from cody x

Every so recurrently this unusual entity happen...?

WHy dont you only just start with shaving it really easy.
Or simply tell yourself she is a professional and like the doctor, they see "bottoms" adjectives the time and you are just like everyone else.

Anyone here whos first extent be brown? plz answer - contained by detail?

the other item you can do is buy some hair removal creme for sensative areas
it works for me
but do not get it inside you

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In the first place the vagina is not wax just your pubic hair.
Go for it gal!!

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Well, grasp used to SOME people seeing you "down there". Having to go to a gynecologist is something you're going to hold to do every year to check for cervical cancer and anything else that could be going wrong.

It's your choice and your choice only whether you want to get wax but keep in mind- IT HURTS! You're super sensitive near. If you want to get waxed, walk to a professional waxer and go the week after your period (when you are the LESS sensitive down there).

Other routes could be shaving. I found that using an electric shaver works wonders. It doesn't closing as long but it's painless. You could trim yourself but I find that this is tiring and isn't always the best.

If you choose to go wax, only just wash yourself first. Decide whether you want a female or masculine doing it and just grit your teeth and bear it. It's their undertaking to do it professionally and they see that area all the time. If mane really bothers you that much and none of the other options seem right for you, progress waxing.

Hope this helps. :)

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