Ladies just!!?

Do u shave ur arms?
im curious cuz my arm r kinda of hairy and i have this trip and im not going to hold an sleeves the whole trip so should i shave,nair or what? HELP PLZ!!

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I honestly wouldnt do anything. Everyone has tresses on their arms sometimes its just lighter. Plus if u shave or something ud have to do it regularly or else youll just hold prickly arms and razor bubps whic is even worse.also the hair grows posterior darker. I would just check out of it and focus on having fun on ur trip. no ones going to care if u enjoy arm hair and if they do they should worry roughly themselves and no that its not about looks.

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My arm hair is blond. So I don't own to worry about it, but if it help when I see women with black hair on their arms, I catch a little sick at my tummy,not ALL hair, only the ones with THICK hair. I know alot of my girlfriends shave their arms. It's sexier that channel. You could use Veet if you didn't want stubble. That works pretty well.

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i dont shave my arms beacuse my arms at not hairy but plentiful of my friends do it and its fine you can do it with a regular razor of nair and veet, you can travel to nair or veet . com and you can maybe get a cupon but nair , veet , or wax will make your arms look the best

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Yes=( im a little embarrased but i love it! It looks great and my arms look so sexy!!

Oh i own to add.that you should use nair becasue some people vote the hair grows back thicker but for me it didnt and shaving be easier.its totally up to you.

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I don't do anything. I have kind of misty hair on my arms, but it doesn't really bother me. Just remember that the things you worry roughly most, no one else notices. So purely enjoy your trip, and your summer clothes.

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I do shave my under arms, more for lately the secure feeling and newly in case I hold to wear a short sleeve or take my shirt off, it is other better to be prepared then sorry.

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only shave ur underarms, don't shave your arms because you'll regret it. the curls comes in darker and dark and eventually ur gonna wanna stop shaving it

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please dont shave your arms coz when they grow back they grow thicker adn its like your unharmed arm is covered in black dots (trust me, my friend tried this= disaster)
try using a hair removal cream or if your brave adequate waxing!

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nair does irritate the skin. and you shouldnt shave your arms . in the adjectives the hairs will probably be thicker and darker and next they will look bad..

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I would not do it, your hair will grow pay for darker and look prickly. love who you are and be happy and if you stroke that way then other those will notice your attitude not your arms

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ive never used nair but i heard that it irritates your skin if you enjoy sensitive skin..i would just shave and later try to use nair after your trip.

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There is zilch wrong with shaving your arms. I wouldn't use nair because it can dry out\irritate sensitive skin.
Go for it.
Hair always grows stern doesn't it?!

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don't shave.
shaving your arms is disgusting.. my friend does that..and her arms feel soo prickly.

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WAX your ARMS and your LEGS :P

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No, I think it would come support way too prickly!

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some girls do put personally i meditate its gross ex. when it grows back and its all prickery.


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