Is this majority for a first pap smear exam?

I just had my first pap smear exam. I am a virgin but am 18 so my Mom said I inevitability the exam.The exam seemed to take a long time and I be embarassed as I had to undress and put my legs in stirrups surrounded by front of a male doctor. He walked right up to me and pushed his fingers right inside me and a metal instrument which hurt me. I thought he be done but then he pushed his fingers into my butt. My mom said they would just necessitate a quick peek between my legs? The nurse be with ,me the whole time and said relax honey you're doing capably, but it felt really wierd and I bled after. My mom won't talk more or less it and says I need this exam for my form, but I hated this exam - I had to enjoy my legs spread right open in the stirrups and be like that for ages. I cannot go through this again. Is this the majority exam that ladies have to have every year?

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I have an idea that you're probably making a bit more of this than you really need to. I had my first exam when I be 15, and I wasn't so emotionally overwrought or traumatized.

Yes, you do need to have these test's the ONLY way to make sure you're glowing, have no infections, are STD free (when you DO start having sex) and that you aren't developing cervical cancer.

It may enjoy only SEEMED like forever because you be uncomfortable and embarrassed. In adjectives likelihood, the entire exam took less than 5 minutes.

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Yes, you should enjoy this exam every year. It does sound like He be rough on you. You need to find a Dr. that is more soft they are not all so harsh . Most times knowing you are virgin he should hold been gentle and used a lubricant so as not to hurt you. The devout news in you own a year to find a better Dr. talk to your friends and they can help you find of late the right doctor for you. Good luck.

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Welcome to woman hood and yes this is the normal exam we have for cancer and other related feminine problems every year.It doesn't sound like you have a very understanding doctor .They usually describe you what they are doing step by step and are gental.The bleeding is normal also.Sorry dear this is life.

Girl make conversation...uhh?

yes what they did be completely normal. you should have gotten a breast exam also. as for the metal contraption they use, he must own pinched you with it. paps should only pilfer but a minute, it feels like forever though. a pap should never hurt you...ever!
I would consider shifting doctors, to one that is a bit more gentle near you.
no woman looks forward to getting a pap exam, but it is extremely important! make sure you stir every year!


That is perfectly normal and every woman have to go thru it. I know it is uncomfortable, so I don`t know you could switch to a woman doctor to help... You do need to do it every year, but it will relief make sure you are healthy.

I forgot to enunciate that i enjoy be past its sell-by date my birth control for roughly 2 months...?

i be pretty freaked with my 1st test, but i have a female doctor.
and i didnt get the butt treatment any.

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you poor tramatized child. Yes that is a typical yearly exam. Yes they are want to ensure good health of your reproductive embezzle organs. No all doctors are so rough and non communicative. Next year let the doctor know this is adjectives new to you and to go slow and explain what they are doing and why. I hold had so many of them done that immediately it does not bother me but I do know I cried for days after my first one and I was married already. Granted i was 16 but still. The common sense you bled was since you are a virgin the doctor probably broke your hymen when he did his exam. Just because it broke does not make you anyless a virgin. It freshly means your first sexual experience will not be as painful.

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That sounds impartially standard to me. I know how you feel, it is very mortified! But it is also very important to draw from one done every year. When you do become sexually active your doctor may request that you have them twice a year - they don't other, but they might. The bleeding is normal if it was a small amount, especially if you are a virgin.
I do enjoy to say though, I have never have them check my butt - just the pap and a breast exam...

*edit* I don't know if they have them where on earth you are, but you may want to consider asking your doctor to use an acryllic tool instead of a metal one next time. They come in different sizes and are much more sanitary as they are a one-use traffic.

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