Ladies, ages 18-28,Shaving (Down there)?

I have noticed from "research" (AKA amateur porn) that it seem like more and more ladies are shaving down there afterwards in the past.
What percentage of ya'll 18-28 would you say aloud are going bare?

Spotting Durring Sex...?

i do because its gross to have spike down there and it feels disgusting. and besides men resembling it more when women shave. its more femainine. =)
id have to influence 90%-98% shave down there.
and btw ill be 18 contained by june.
so id have to speak more than what you think shave down there.

Tampon examine!?

shaving down is appropriate for uttras and dirty wont goto the inside of uttras and itching wiillbe avoided. 18

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I do and most of my friends do but waxing is more popular i think than shaving! But omg it HURTS:P
Love Lexxii

Whats a honourable piece i can use for an dissimilar skin tone?

ably im not 18 yet, im only 17 going on 18 surrounded by august but i still shave down there

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I'll be 22 next month and I hang on to it nicely trimmed. I like for a time bit of hair but not bald.

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Ye i do coz u dnt want fluff stickin out of ure pritty underwear

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