Help! How do you rob a pill for affliction?

I just can't do it i tried the trick with swallowing hose down but i just gaged and could not swallow it.
Please help I enjoy really bad cramps and I just can't pilfer it!
Do you have any tips?

Answers:    Have you ever tried crushing a pill instead?
Things You’ll Need:

* Sandwich bag, fully intact
* Small tack hammer or mallet

Place the pills or medication into a clean, dry sandwich shoulder bag. Put in only satisfactory for a single dose. So if your prescription calls for you to take 2 pills of a medication, but 2 pills surrounded by the bag. You can mix several doses of different medications you as a rule take at the same time.
Close the case and lay it on a hard, flat surface. Make sure the pills lay flat. Any words or symbols on the medication should face up.
Clear your space so that you hold enough room to work. Hit the pill once with great force. This will shatter the medication. Shake the case to distribute the particles evenly throughout the bag. Lay the sack down on the counter again and hit the medication repeatedly with moderate force until all the broken pieces are ground into tiny particle. This may take several tries.
Shake the bag keenly once the pills are completely crushed, to ensure no large medication fragments remain. Crushed medications are best taken next to applesauce, pudding, ice cream, or yogurt. Pour the medication from bag into the smooth textured food of your choice. Take the medication without delay.
Dispose of the bag.
I used to have this problem surrounded by my younger years. The best tip I can give you, is to grind up the pill and mix it in a cup of juice where you can't fondness it. Use a spoon to grind it (on a surface where you can clearly see it), pour a glass of juice&put surrounded by the ground up pill, then just drink the entire contents of the chalice. You're supposed to put it in your mouth and drink the water as you would typically with big gulps. Let the pill wash down beside the water. It's not easy to do but you'll bring back the hang of it. If you still can't... take the pill put it on the counter and crush it near a spoon or with something else blunt. Turn it into a powder. Then put that into a glass of marine, mix it and drink it. If there's any left at the bottom, fill up beside more water, mix it and finish it. Good luck..
Crush the pill. You can buy pill crushers from the pharmacy... but you can also take 2 spoons from home. Place the pill a spoon and crush it near the other.

Place the crushed pieces on your tongue, take a big sip of water and swallow... sometimes titling your cranium back quickly can lend a hand as well.

Its likely a psychological explanation... try not to think about how unyielding it is to swallow and think you are just drinking something..
flood your mouth with water until yuo cant fit any more river in it (or you could use soda,tea,coffee anything that you drink but NO alcoholic beverages) then simply push the pill in your mouth squeeze it through your lips later swallow.. If you cant do that then you either hold to suck it up and deal with the torment or you could suuck it up and swallow the pill Try putting the pill in a grape and plugging your nose it works for me!

Step 1 filch a drink of anything (not beer or wine ETC)
Step 2 put the pill in the grape and chew it (not the pill)
Step 3 plug your nose and tilt your chief back and swalllow ( do this fast)
Step 4 take an other drink to comfort keep this pill down and wash the penchant away (again no beer, wine ETC).
If this pain is as bad as you enunciate it is, then you need to man up and swallow the pill. Either dissolve the pill contained by a small amount of water and suffer the nasty bitterness. You might consider contacting your physician who prescribed the medication to bestow you a liquid form. Hope this helps. Be well thought-out with cutting up the pill, some pills YOU SHOULD NEVER CRUSH.

One track, it sounds weird to get a pill down is to teem your mouth with water, pop the pill surrounded by the front of your mouth, and GULP. I have problems with Apple Cider Vinegar pills, and this works for me, I be told to do it that way by my naturopath :)

good luck .
If the pills is not time released, chew it up with some food. If it is time released and not suppose to be broke up, you can always try big pieces of food and see if it can walk down that way.

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