Is This Unfair Of Me?

I was on the pill but it made me feel really sick contained by the morning so I have come off of it. I cannot turn for the coil or patch or diagpram (SP?) for personal reasons also, I dont want the injection because it makes me constantly bleed.

So I own opted for using condoms. but because I didn't used to use them with him he's gotten annoyed. SO have anyone else done this, am I being fair?

I dont wanna budge back on the pill, so how do I discuss this with him. he think I am being mean and should of late go on the pill again. He says he cant perceive anything using rubbers... but he still comes.

Answers:    No, it is not unfair of you.

As you said, he still comes, which is logically, because it is bullshit that you can't feel beside a condom.

Just ignore his complains, after a while he'll forget to complain..
i say dump him
he's individual a jerk for not listening to you
your individual completely fair and trying to protect yourself but all the other reason make you sick or what not.

tell him straight up "its condom or no booty mister!" when he say he cant feel anything using a condom but yet he still reach his peak he's just feed you rubbish so you'll feel bad. dont nurture into it!. tell him he's the one being imply and not caring about you! if he's not man plenty to realize that you get sick on the pill then he desires to have a major energy lesson and you need to dump him fair and square. he doesnt respect you. .
He's person a complete jerk. Condoms are so thin they just affect sensation at all. When a guy tries to use this one on you they're talking categorical rubbish.

Tell him you're in a relationship together; it is up to both of you to contribute to contraception, and now it's his turn..
Sounds similar to a typical man to me. It's a tricky situation but ur fella isn't being at all sympathetic towards you. He would to some extent see you ill and feeling sick after wear a condom! Sorry love but doesn't say much about him! I know at hand are a few different types of pills, so if you were to talk to your doctor give or take a few this is he might be able to suggest one which wont make u discern ill. If not then administer ur man the a sex ban, unless he's willing to cover up.I'm sure he'll soon make over his mind! Good Luck Hun! Guys will do whatever they can to get out of have to use a condom. If he really cares about you, he won't force you on the pill, coil, patch or diaphram. All he should contemplation about its your health and all right being.

...If he's cuming, he's feeling it..
If he can,t grain anything,It,s because he,s a retard,He,s just being insensitive, explain to him that if he thought anything of you,he,d use a condom,if he won,t then no more sex...!! He doesn't sound ready enough to be having sex beside. Why not just wait until you bump into a man who respects you before you have sex? He could attain you pregnant and would you want an idiot like that as the father of your children?.
Tell HIM to take loads of evil drugs and mess HIS body up! I just use condoms for the same reason as you..DONT shift back on it...if he wants sex consequently the contaception is on your terms... He can feel something if he comes. He's basically being an azz hole. Tell him straight up no..
if he really loves you it shouldn't matter. if he dont approaching using that.. then should know how to withdraw it.. .
First of he should respect your declaration. It's your body and no its not mean. Before my husband and I got married I made him use condoms, he didn't approaching it, but he respected me for it. and yes he still got pleasure out of it, it may not be full on, but its not to the point it doesn't please him. My husband and I talked roughly all of this and in the closing stages that's your choice.
You can also buy VCF's vaginal contraceptive films for women you insert yourself I dont know too mush about them, I never used them, but I have some friends who do and they approaching them, but you might want to check into it a little more. Don't fall for it!! Guys will articulate and do anything not to use condoms. But you health comes before everything else. Think nearly yourself first. Because if you catch something from him then what???!!
It's your existence that will be ruined, not his.
It is not selfish of you but of him. With all the diseases out in attendance, I cannot stress enough to "PROTECT YOURSELF ALL THE TIME".
If he doesn't want to use it, then he's not thinking roughly speaking your well-being but only his.

The pill does not protect you from all the craziness out near. It's your body and, I totally understand where you come from because pills did impossible to tell apart to me, it actually messed my body up after I got past its sell-by date them. So please don't. If he wants you, he will have to protect both of you.
It is YOUR body so if you don't want to pocket the pill then no rule, written or unwritten, says that you enjoy to!
At the end of the day, the pill messes beside your body so it really is a decision that you have every right to take home.
A condom on the other hand is a bit of an inconvenience, but doesn't mess with any of your bodies.
So I say, no you are not being unmerited, but if he is throwing teddy out of the cot about it because he doesn't want to use a condom consequently he is being VERY selfish and VERY excessive.
But you will need to be very mean! Condoms are not as safe as the pill and he may try, "Oh go on, tolerate me put it in without one, I won't come honestly!", and i.e. a recipe for a disaster! .
Some men find it hard to accept that women mess around beside their bodies for their sake because they can't stand condoms.

But here's some help hopefully... Have you tried the mini pill? I had adjectives the same problems as you but the patch was the worse which made me VERY sick and the combined pill give me a constant period that lasted a month. With the mini pill however I perceive nothing. I sometimes gett spotting but never get a time. It is important you go past its sell-by date chemical contraception every now and again because it isn't good for your body. Just for approaching a month. Try and get your boyfriend to put himself in your shoes. If he can't, he's not worth you're worrying just about him

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