Ladies: What happen to it after he’s done?

I haven’t had sex before, but I be just wondering what happens to a guy’s semen after he have intercourse with you. Does it come back out of you right away or does it whip a while?

It’s confusing when you see sex scenes on TV or in movies and it other looks like there is no aftermath. Doesn’t it adjectives flow back out and get on everything?

Answers:    Most comes wager on out when you stand up..the rest comes out with your normal's not a great deal, sweetie, no more than a tablespoon at most so a quick wipe with T.P when you use the bathroom take care of can happen as soon as you stand up or hold a little while.and not in one great big gush...lately a little bit at a time..
Well it comes back out and usually leaves a raining spot on the sheets. Of course, some of the sperm will stay in your body and try to travel up your fallopian tubes and fertilize an egg. But if they don't fertilize an egg and get you pregnant they die. It's not a big gush or anything. Usually smaller number than a tablespoon. I would recommend that you have the guy wear a condom when you do decide to own intercourse. No mess, small chance of pregnancy, and no STIs. Just make sure when you want to do it, that you're ready and you're comfortable with the situation. Hope I help! First off you should never let a guy *** inside of you! I dont attention to detail if you are on birth control or not, birth control does NOT protect you against STD's, nor is it 100% effective.

It depends on how far inside of you, some may "drip" out i guess you could say. I one-sidedly have never had that crop up and i've been sexually active for 4 years.

Just dont do it. lol

It is moderately messy though.

Yes, as soon as you get up it comes out. Have some tissue ready so that you can be in motion to the bathroom with no mess, then squeeze it out or shower. Or use a condom, it's much smaller amount messy. The Semen, Die, and than your body, does hardcore action to get them out, "Wet Dreams".
i wondered this too. the movies engender it look so romantic and lovely, but the thruth is there must a load of crap adjectives over your sheets,

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