Is this conventional?

i got my period nearly six months ago, in december. is it normal to capture it really abnormally? i got it December, January, March, and so far not this month, even though it usually comes around the 17th. is this everyday?

Hi at hand. I am have a exceedingly indigestible menstrual interval. I am concerned. Should i stir to the hospital.?

yes. if you are young it can take up to 3years to regulate out properly. also stress and exercise amount can also affect your period regularity x

Exercise comfort?

When I first had my period, it last for a day and then disappeared for a year.

You might be missing a cycle every few months. You might want to mention it to your doctor. The pill will sustain regulate your cycle.

The irregular periods could be an indication of Polycystic Ovaries. It will not affect you much now but could be an indication of hormonal issues or infertility when you plan on have kids so check it out now so you can fix it asap!

Does the pill work?

hey, i wouldnt say its irregular because doctors think as long as you get 3 period you're safe but its not always considered typical. You should definitely get yourself checked out- you may enjoy ovarian cysts (Poly cystic) thats causing you be infrequent. And you might want to inquire about getting on birth control which might backing you regulate your cycles ..obviously depending on any underlying causes. so not to verbs, but check just to be on the safe side.

Whats wrong beside me?shall i nick eye q pills?

your body is getting used to the change so it can take a little while to seize a 'stable' pattern. my wifes are still completely irregular at the age of 32 and hers is due to polysystic ovaries so it may be worth consulting your doctor.

How can I try to capture pregnant when my time doesn't other come?

mine are so messed up, i think the pill made it so irregular.
i'd move about the doctors, cause i defo have one every month even though it's not at one and the same time.


some women get it abnormally and are without fault healthy but it's always a appropriate idea to get a check up a short time ago to make sure. =]

What should a girl wear when she get her term?

yes you will need to dispense your period time to regulate

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Have you tried the vagisil screening apparatus?
Shots and physical?
How does a girl pee standing up??
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