Whats wrong next to me?shall i hold eye q pills?

I have done a law degre and very soon doing my Lpc and have always get good grades at school and college. however for some reason my vocabulary and my use of english is really bad. or atleast it appears that path to my boss ( im not working law related, merely part time job booking rooms etc) and my message writing language is crap as is my general use of the poetry and im brit born.Whats the matter with me.ive be educated as well so enjoy no excuse. im so depressed about this and feel really ashamed. I be aware of thick and unintelligent and i cant even revise for my exams, nil seems to be going into my head. im not as sharp as i thought.
what can i do.
really down and out atm.consistency really **** at work

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I have to say your spelling, sentence structure and punctuation does not really resemble that of a graduate of law. I accept that I have a classical education way fund in the 50s and 60s and sometimes it can sound as if I have a dictionary for lunch. Answering questions regularly on 'Answers', I have normally felt that about 20% of the questioners seem to be to have a very poor grasp of their aboriginal tonge, and perhaps did not take their coaching to great heights.

Since to have a scope in anything requires an IQ of at least 120, this cannot really be an explanation for your adjectives deficiencies. ( Did you just put eye q for a kid and just accidentally miss the 'e' from degree?) If your problem next to letters and punctuation is long standing it does look as if it might represent some form of dyslexia, which could be looked at. If however it has simply developed recently I would not discount the possibility of there human being a potentially serious medical problem, which would of course require investigation.

Could this be serious?

Each of us has a profile of ability, with strengths in one nouns and weaknesses in others.

Do helpfulness your strengths, you must have some to have get as far as you have already.

Work on your weaknesses. Practice writing the thoughtful of documents you need to write.

Exams are stressful for most people. Just keep hold of at it, but don't forget to give yourself proper breaks. Short coffee breaks, for example. Take a couple of hours out every day for a polite walk.

Best of luck


Buy some books or do online courses in grown literacy.

I am a law grad with a similar problem, I enjoy a 2:1 in my degree, but because I did not shift to high school ( spent most of my time contained by a junior psyh ward, I forgot about grammar, but I passed A level 2 A's and a B)

I am doing the LPC, and I am coping OK.

Just get a grammar book!

I have my finishing term on the 4th april and i have sex around the 22nd? I enjoy cramps and inkling pallid head.?

I thinnk it's time for you to go and get a new job - one contained by the area in which you studied. You in truth sound bored and disillusioned with this one. it also sounds similar to you've got an over critical boss - is his English perfect? If not, he should sign out you alone to get on with your work.

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