Is it secure to douche surrounded by proclaim to remove an irritating medication?

Gross question, I know.
I used an RX medicine in advance - and its burning far worse than what it was intending to treat.I tried taking a shower, um thats not doing it.

Any ideas?
It be gynazole if that matters.


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It should be perfectly past the worst. Douches are sterile, Ph friendly (to vaginas, which are naturally acidic), and can cause no mar.

Douches are better than water for flushing the vagina. Water is Ph neutral, and can set you up for a yeast infection if you routinely dance squirting it up there.

The natural bitterness of the vagina is a protective mechanism against infections.

Is here anyway to hindrance a time of year, and is it sagacious to do so?

Do not douche you will only put together it worse on the burning part. I asume you have a yeast infection sometimes applying plain yogurt to the nouns lightly will ease the burning. Also douching is not risk-free I have had several drs explain to me that so I have never tried. Get some monostat enough for 7 days because one dose is never satisfactory with a yeast infection. Also Vagisil anti itch cream works great for soothing the burn I think within is one with aloe.

Should i or should i not?

Well if its hurting that bad afterwards yea i would use one, my mother in law have used them, and not had any problems, otherwise try putting water surrounded by there and then final out

Crazy spell for times gone by 2 months?

try to take a bath n do sit ups contained by the tub-it opens it -then push the water spinal column out.

What does it stingy you hold sex next to your partner she's other bleeding?

Call your Gyn and ask him/her what you should do.

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