Is it okay to put vasoline on a tampon?

This is my first time using a tampon, and I need it to go surrounded by easier and smoother.can I put vasoline ON the tampon and have the vasoline go inside me? ... is that okay?


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No, it's not a angelic idea to use Vaseline as it is petroleum based and can stick to the walls of your vagina and grounds infections, if you have some you can use some K Y jelly on the tip to make it slip in easier. Relax and take open breaths

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I assure you there is NO PROBLEM putting vaseline on the tip.

Are you using ones with an applicator? If so, after the answerers who say "it will affect the absorbency" are wrong.

If you are using ones without applicators, it STILL won't affect it absorbing your blood, as it "fans" out when its inside of you.

Try using Tampax Pearl Lites, its extraordinarily slender and has a plastic applicator. I LOVE them.

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OK all you ancestors giving thumbs down need to hush!everybodys bodies are different.
I am 26 years old and i occassionally use vaseline to insert tampons if my vaginal wall is dry. vaseline is an adjectives materail and will not cause a reaction or infection surrounded by the body. ive been doing this for years and its worked out fine for me. best thing is to relax and for a time vaseline and you'll be fine. =)

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vaseline will stop the tampon from doing it's proper job of sucking up the blood.
Try useing baby grease. put it on your vaginal area, not the tampon. You could also may be useing the wrong tampon ( for wrong days flow).

Or even KY jelly would be good to use to lubricate your vaginal nouns and it's safe and clean.

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It doesnt hurt adjectives that bad, you just gotta relax your muscles. Vaseline is grease based meaning

1. It will contradict the tampons purpose
2. Hard as sh*t to get hold of out of your vagina.

Bottom line is please dont do it or you will regret it very disappointingly!

Tampon headache? plz facilitate?

I honestly don't think you should have to put any class of lubrication on it. I read the little packet when i first started using tampons and it says to kind squat and lean over a touch with your legs spread, of course. Try it out it works.

Why did it hurt?

no, don't use vaseline. the blood won't be rapt and you'll just end up near a big mess. try tampax pearl. they have very smooth, plastic applicators and they newly slide right in. i've never had a problem next to tampax and would recommend it to anyone! good luck!

20 something - never be to the gynecologist? Bad?

uhh i wouldn't try that if it's you're first time. just my direction...i haven't really heard of that. but what helps is if you gain the tip of the applicator wet while the tampon's still inside. it's easier than you in recent times have to .do it lol

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Yes it is fine. Also, purchase the smallest tampon available. I do believe they have starter tampons for babyish ladies in your position/situation.

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No, no vaseline. Try using tampons with a "smooth skim " type applicators..those are usually alot easier to insert.

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NO! vasoline is NOT made to go inside a female's body at all for any common sense!

I own started my interval I only just want to breed sure though?

no dont beleive anyoen who says yes. its bad. jsut use playtex sport regular, its moral cuz its small and easy to use!

Okay...give support to? Im really becomming confused and involve some educating here..?

dont do it. its unhealthy. of late get a smaller tampon if your having trouble near it

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No. It's not healthy and it will make the tampon not sufficiently expert to absorb

Women Only!?

youll get an infection!

I haven't gotten my length surrounded by 12 months...what could be wrong...I am 17 and first get my interval when i be 13.

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