Is it majority to bleed after sex?

I've been sexually active for almost 4 months and this month I started bleeding a bit everytime after having sex. I went to dance make sure I wasn't pregnant at a doctors and the results were unenthusiastic, and yesterday I went to see an OBGYN, but I just want to know if it's conventional in anyone else?

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Bleeding during or after sex is not considered normal and consequently should be evaluated at all times. The only time bleeding during or after sex is considered middle-of-the-road in some cases is if you are having sexual intercourse for the first time.

Some cause of vaginal bleeding after sex, such as vaginal dryness after menopause or in some cases by the use of certain types of birth control pills are not serious and may be efficiently treated.

However, in some cases, vaginal bleeding after sex can be a sign of a serious underlying problem, including:

* Inflammation of the cervix (cervicitis).
* Sexually transmitted diseases, such as chlamydia or gonorrhea.
* Cervical polyps.
* Cervical ectropion, a condition in which the cervical tissue is more susceptible to abrasion.
* Endometriosis or ovarian cysts.
* Pelvic inflammatory disease.
* Uterine fibroids.
* Cancer of the cervix, uterus or vagina.

If you verbs to experience bleeding during or after sex, I would recommend that you consult with your doctor/gynaecologist to see what they think could be cause this.

Good luck :)

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Bleeding is never normal. Maybe you had a cyst that broke during sex but you experience some agony when it happens. Or maybe you hold rough sex and you irritate your vagina or have it torn a bit every time. In any case you involve to have tests to check out ST D's , physical construction of the inner parts... A pap testing would tell you a lot. It is not run of the mill as I said, so have it checked pls.

I am so worried!?

Its semi-normal. I haven't experienced the issue myself, but there are plenty out in that who have.

You may be having sex too much. How normally? You may just be ripping up tissue down "there." Stop for awhile, and after continue with make less burdensome. It will go away with time.

Has anyone have these symptoms formerly, immensely alarmed?

if you first lose your virginity yes after no not individual a perv but if you are having intercourse and it bleeds mabey he is to big and it tears skin

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If you don't feel any injury inside , treat it as common

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It is normal to bleed first time. But in routine it is not

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