Is it me or is my husband playing around?

I've been noticeing when we have sex its take him a long time to ejaculate & sometimes he hardly gets it contained by & its over with a lot of seman & i'm departed "holding the bag"(nothing for me).Why is this,is he messing around & using up his seman or just that I dont turn him on?I'm afraid to ask him.And he continually wants to hold anal sex but the last time it kinda hurt & i;m wondering if this is natural or is it classified as sodomy?We enjoy been married 12 years & everything else seems ordinary but i'd like to get some answers on this previously it causes us any problems.I'm kinda uneducated in the region of all this because its always be taboo around the household.

How outmoded be you when you get your time?

it maybe that he is interested in trying different things but to afraid to ask you. sodomy is more a officially recognized term these days, but it is anal and oral sex see
I don`t know you should try talking to your husband about what he desires and what you want and you may find it makes things much better. As for natural, sex is organic its nothing to be embarrassed something like and there is no rule book, whatever your both comfortable beside.

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I agree with the first answer & would like to put in that you may want to bring more fun into the bedroom.
Men don't always respond sexually in equal way every time they have sex.
It's duplicate as with women, just because you appropriate a long time to orgasm that doesn't mean you were stale boinking someone else.

Nail polish?

It may be that you are not having it enough, and he may be masturbating to releive the tautness. He may be too scared to ask you for more.

Reallllly Heavy Flow?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

I don't know what to think of this business of ANAL sex. Sometimes I devise men are bi-sexual and feel if they have sex next to their female partner (anally) then it vehicle they are not gay, but I have to wonder, especially if they prefer it.

If you don't like anal sex convey your partner no. It's your body and if you don't like it tough for your partner.

If he's cheating, well he's cheating. Not much you can do roughly speaking it. If he's suddenly "changed" after all these years (his sexual habits) then something have spurred the change. Either he is watching porn and that is deviating his sexual preferences or he have perhaps had an affair (with a masculine or female) which has changed him.

If you want to know ASK HIM and tell him how you grain. He will either fess up or back bad and get it somewhere else.

If he is cheating do you still want him? I know I wouldn't.

If you're not into that kind of sex, you'll closing up hating it and faking it and resenting him and hate him. So either way you lose right immediately.

If it's just a matter of ejaculation too nippy or too slow, many things can affect that in men so I wouldn't verbs about that single fact but if you suspect something your instincts are usually right.

Take your (sex) vivacity back one way or the other!

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