Is it merely my imagination?

I don't know why.. BUT i've been experiencing cravings lately. I'm not sure if i'm pregnant or not (I took a pregnancy test but it be negative, and I'm expecting my period on the 30th of this month) but for some use i've been craving and eating things I usually don't chomp through (and eating more than I usually do).

What gives?

Your belief: Girls lone?

that's because you are getting your length soon
those aren't just symptoms of pregnancy they are symptoms of PMSing too

I find this fluterly outlook contained by my belly what is it?

Try taking a test after your interval is due just in defence. If you really think you could be pregnant I would just budge to the doctor and see if they can give you a more accurate test. You could also be have some stess causing you to want to eat lots. Have you be keeping active at all? Possibly your only bored?

Eh...are my boobs too big?

It could possibly be your taste buds changing. I know that I go through the same exact thing around a year ago and it had nothing to do next to pregnancy. But if you do not want a child then you should keep a close eye on things if you suspect that you could possibly be pregnant. Because this can also explain your sudden silver in appetite.

Is it middle-of-the-road to touch sick after your first time?

Could be stress. Cravings dont even happen for some pregnant women and not usually till slowly on in pregnancy. you also cant get a pos reading rear legs till 5 days before your period is do because the HCG level that come from the baby aren't high plenty yet for a test to read.

What could this be?

Wait and see if you acquire your period. If not, go to the doctors and enjoy them do a pregnancy test. They can do a blood test and find out for sure. If you are pregnant at adjectives, it may be too early to tell. I craved things near my first pregnancy in the beginning, so it is possible.

I've missed to period and my breasts still hurt, I've done 2 test and both be glum,?

This article have a lot of information. It is often due to your body's organic craving for sugars and carb when it is in need of them, which may be found surrounded by the odd foods you are craving.

How long after ..?

your probally no pregnant. However it is possible that your mind can trick your body into believing it is. You can get cravings and even miss your extent just because your mind believes that you are pregnant.

Is here a mode to calculate my breast size myself (to see which cup I belong to)?

I think it basically because you getting period so that your craving.If you have more doubt basically went to a doctor and then do some tryout so that your become sure in your self.

Birth control and low sex drive?

Well, I don't know if it is true, but i heard that if you are nearly to have your period, you get through a lot too... =]

Can your eyes find discouraging by using the computer everyday for a long interval of time?

Even if you were pregnant, the cravings wouldn't take place this early. The fetus is usually way more developed to induce abnormal food cravings.

>:( my lower back hurts >:( ! !?

This is unusual, if you are feeling worse, just walk to the doctor, he might know., or maybe its just b/c your length is about to come.,

Is This Anemia?

take the question paper again. but everyone has cravings and i wouldn't worry- just pocket the test again cause those things walk wrong sometimes!

Any one on kiriva birth control?

maybe you just get the munchies for some reason. if you took the test and its unenthusiastic, youre probably not preggo.

Vagina facilitate?? Females needed?

Tape worms? 1/3 of humans around the world have tape worms and don't even know it.

Can someone dispense design of making ur interval stir away prompt plz?

Um, your time of year is about to start. That's usually when I get cravings.

Vagina Structure?

You are only convincing yourself that you are pregnant when your not. Maybe your clock is ticking!

I go to the pharmacy, she give me vitamin B6?

well maybe you could me pregnant whithout you knowing or you should walk to the doctor!
I hope you are ok!

Does birth control work?

I agree with the person who said PMS. I crave chocolate alot in the past my period.

Scared of starting the pill (Yasmin)?

Your body is telling you to try something tentative!

Does inserting a tampon hurt and how do u do it?

HAVE YOU BEEN STRESSED OUT LATELY?? or do you have a lot on your mind?? that might be the problem

Am i through growing?

PMS. I own cravings then.

I can't orgasm next to my husband ,but I canon my own at hand somethig wrong??

its your body's way of describing you something is missing in your diet.

Health issues, possibly?

That's normal. We adjectives go thru that problem some time during our life.

Why woman typically donot budge shiny on top?

no, you're becoming portly... and once this happens, you will never have to verbs about getting pregnant

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Whats a moral position for postpartum intercourse ?
For what reason ? is a dnc needed ? surrounded by perticular, would it be for hefty period ? thks?
Should I invest within a honest quill straightener?
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