Is bleeding life-size clot dicey
i wanted to know if it was harmful because about two weeks ive been bleeding resembling this and i just finished my period going on for a week ago prior to me bleeding like how i am now.. the first time i catch sight of i was bleeding was when my boyfriend told me i be bleeding on the couch then i went to the bathroom sit on the toilet and saw a very big clot about the size of a strawberry afterwards i kept bleeding like this over a week the clots will vary but i never kept bleeding resembling this for so long. when it happend at first my boyfriend thought it was a miscarage and so did i but im still bleeding lke this and today i had a torment started bleeding really bad all over the place and go to the bath room and felt another clot but this time it be as big as handball im really scared but if any one can tell me what it could be
Answers: I know this isn't the greatest answer, or the first entry you want to do but first you should have it checked out by a doctor...I know it is a little embarassing, but wouldn't you a bit be embarassed for a day then be injured for a lifetime possibly, and besides, most doctors take problems worse then that, and also, that's their job, they want to serve you. .
small clots are normal big clots are not! you need to run to the doctor because the really big one that you mentioned could possibly be a miscarriage but you will never know unless you go to the doctor! i work at a hospital and ive seen inhabitants going through miscarriages and they have big blood clots that come out and ALOT of bleeding! so good luck and i hope you get the impression better soon!
You definitely need to see an OB GYN, ASAP, you own a continuous bleed that is not normal. Get contained by as soon as you can before you deplete your body. You can't fix that one on your own..
Kiddo, you need to progress to an ER. Have someone take you in right away.
It doesn't nouns normal to me, better make a doctor apt. ASAP...
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