How do you attain sexy legs? did you grow into them?

because i'm 15, 5'4' and 85 lbs and my legs look like that of a 12 yr old.
do you mull over my legs will look full and cute when im around 21?

Answers:    youre 85 lbs?! that might be the problem? im 15 in a few days and im 115.. and im smaller then plentiful people i know but you probably will grow into them.
I'm 15 too :D
Well my legs have changed a great deal lately and I even got stretch marks... I grew too much lately :S Anyway, they will transformation in time, don't worry. I in actual fact preferred my legs before, they got rly cavernous even thou im relatively skinny. I think they will look full&cute and pretty when you're 21 or whenever you finished growing. As long as you don't gain a lot of shipment. And don't bike too much, they make your legs really muscly and you don't want that. A bit of biking is good, but I once biked similar to 3 hours or something and really far and my legs looked completely out of proportion after. Anyway, just wait, I bet they'll look great when you've finished growing. I'm also guessing you're a unsettled developer like me (I starter my period resembling 3 months ago...meh). But we grow to be more curvier (in a good way) than most of the early starters, trust me! :D apposite luck!

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