What's Wrong With Me???!?
my previous question --> http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;...
a few people suggested that i may enjoy anemia, but after seeing my doctor, it turned out that my iron levels were ordinary and that there didn't appear to be anything wrong with me (from the blood oral exam results)
The problem is that i still feel really exhausted during the day (i bring 10 hours sleep usually) and that the aches below my ribcage are getting worse and more frequent
On some days i have so much trouble staying awake, and since i get my blood test results, my mum insists on making me come to school, because she's duly convinced that i'm ok because of my blood test results and my doctor's positive comments
I feel similar to i don't sleep at all during the night .. i repugnance it
what can i do?
any idea of what else that may be wrong with me?
Answers: Working out can in reality boost your energy levels, as strange as that may sound!
Also, eat more complex carbohydrates (that system whole grains and not that enrich bleached flour!).
Even though you're sleeping 10 hours a night, you probably aren't getting enough adjectives recovery sleep and that's why you feel so exhausted. There could be heaps reasons for this, such as stress, poor mattress, etc. Try meditating or hold a nice cup of decaf herbal tea before you go to bed to relax yourself.
Hope this help!.
plz answer my question
How is your diet? Do you eat processed food? Do you drink soda? Eat candy? If yes, that may be your problem. I suggest that u should see a doctor roughly ur condition..tell him that u don't sleep and the other things that u feel..
I aim it's the best thing that u could do...
You need more vim, eat lots of sugar!