Period???? PLZ HELP!!?

so i have pubic hair and boobs (34 b) and i am thirteen...i hold had discharge for a long time...i wanna no when it is going to come because i am starting eighth grade within a few weeks and i dont want it to come and have everyone see.what should i do and when will it come? PLZ HELP

Answers:    Hey! I was worried going on for getting my period at school too. You should hang on to a pad or tampon(your choice) in adjectives your lockers P.E and Hallway locker. Keep one in your purse too. All ways have one everywhere you can so whenever it comes you will be prepared. You can if you want preserve a Pain reliever with the pad beside water so if it does hurt and your at school you can bring the pain reliever and enjoy or focus at conservatory. Don't worry. It has to come someday and your lucky its in arrears because the less worried you are. Because for some girls its comes around the age of 8 and they have to suffer cramps hasty while the rest are enjoying. Good Luck! Have fun while you don't have one and Be prepared when it does come. Im a girl but im not logged on to my vindication cause Im at a cousins house. Once again Good Luck soon to be women..
OH Don't worry when you return with your period no one will be capable of know unless you tell them. It's going to happen when it's going to arise, nothing can make it come sooner or put it bad. If your worried about being at conservatory or something carry a pad contained by your purse pocket and you can have it handy just surrounded by case. well to be honest beside u there is no way to predict it.. i indicate when i first got mine i had no waring at adjectives. and i was at school.. but dont verbs when u first get it it shouldnt be all that starchy so jus wear pantiliners to make u feel better if thats what u call for to do. but if u start to experience slight cramping and stuff like that, kno its coming soon..

enjoy the time minus it cuz once u get it u wish u wouldnt of.. lol

Wear a small panty liner everyday until it comes alot of girls be these everday for discharge this way you will not bleed onto your clothes. Make sure you always fetch a pad with you that agency when you do start youll have something to keep you sorted til you receive home.

Good luck.x.
first of all you do not need to verbs my period didn't start till i was 14 going on 15. relate you mom or some family member to buy you some pad. allways keep some pads beside you on the first, second, and third of every month (just in case) untill it happens. you never know when it's going to transpire.
HOPE THIS WILL HELP YOU. Pack a lil emergency case-- Clean undies, feminine cleansing cloths and pads! Its a life savor...

No opinion when you will start, but i kind of felt almost resembling i was getting sick a couple of days before i started, newly achy...blah...

May not happen to you, but something to look for!.
ware a pad everyday.

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