Im 38 weeks and i a moment ago begin to bring vaginal discharge..does this expect i am due any minute in a minute?


How does it quality to wear a tampon!?/?

It may be your mucus plug coming out. Hopefully your baby will make an appearance soon!

Period question?

yes you could be due any year now, so make sure that you enjoy you bags packed and prepared to go by the door. try and get as much sleep as possible up to that time the baby get here because you will stipulation it, so rest, rest, rest. congrats and good luck...

Ball Saxbury or Ball Sac Spray?

not really but it is a good sign. We loose the mucus plug when we start to dilate. Your doctor can enlighten you if you are. I always knew when I lost that plug, the floors be dirty,my legs needed shaving and I had no clean underwear.

Which sex have better orgasms?

Deoderant relieve. Whats the best munificent for extra prespiration?
What is the average breast size for 14 y.o.s next to a 20.3 BMI?
*ladies only* is my breast unusual or am i only developing?
  • Missing period, morning sickness, but not pregnant?
  • Tampon press Ladies!?

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