Feel resembling peeing profoundly and bleed for a time?

recently, i feel similar to peeing a lot and i pee blood sometimes, it's light red and it stings right after i pee, it's really mortified, help!

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It sounds like a classic UTI - urinary tract infection. Drink abundantly of water and at least 1-2 cranberry juice a day. If it really bothers you, go to the doctor and they can put you on some antibiotics to knock it out.

My woman nouns other have a smell and I enjoy be to the doctor and nil is wrong what can I do?

It sounds resembling you have a UTI (urinary tract infection), you will need to see a doctor and gain antibiotics as soon as possible, this will get very mortified very fast. Drinking cranberry liquid helps so does lots of water. they do own a pill for the discomfort, but it makes your urine orange and stains clothing, may want to wear a wad while on this.

I would close to to know just about a cists on a ovary?

Definately a UTI or kidney infection. Get antibiotics from your doctor and drink nothing but water and cranberry liquid and it will be gone in a few days. You can get a drug called AZO from almost any drug store and that will help near the pressure

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Sounds like u have UTI urninary tract infection. You entail to go to the doctor or drink as much water as you possibly can. I have the same thing and started drinkin like mad of water and got better contained by the next 2 days!

Im bout 1 week and sum days unpunctually on my interval i want to appropriate a theory test but I dont want to attain down what to do?

UTI and\or kiddney infection. Don't let it walk any longer, see a physician ASAP.

Breast twinge - please assistance!?

sounds like a urinary tract infection, you need to shift to the doctor for meds.

Is have headache within the vagina adjectives? What are the cause?

UTI? Yeast infection?

See a doctor!


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