I haven't have my time of year for nearly 2 months very soon?

i haven't had a period for nearly 2 months in a minute and before that i would get any a really light murky one or a really heavy one, immediately ive had none, i have done 2 home pregnancy test and both are negitive what could be wrong with me

What's wrong near me?

do u have all/some of the below, if yes consequently consult a doctor and get a pelvis USG done. it would verify if you have hormonal inequity. Incase you do your dr will sort it out. nothing to worry, cheers!
1.acne-especially cheek line area
2. too much facial pelt
3. pain when in period
4. thinning scalp hair
5. when u gain weight you gain it on your belly not thighs
6. mostly irregular periods ( about 9 cycles or smaller quantity per year)

I didn't read the instructions on my zoloft and took it right away...?

has your period be irregular from the beginning or just lately if it just started you should go to a doctor and enjoy them check you could be getting a false negative

Girl trampoline interview??

go check near a doctor

My tailbone hurts during sex. Any individual purpose why?

Cervical Biopsy come subsidise as "moderate to severe dysplasia" What does that miserable?
Anger issues?
Dry skin...?
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