Does anyone find remarkably aching lumps surrounded by their armpits?
What's the proper condolences??
Definately stir to the dr. You have lymph nodes in your pits and your body could be relating you somethingthey could be sists and yes alot of people get them but u could be in motion to the doctors and they could give u some meds to make them step away good luck and i hope they go away...
I bring the same things but they are not ingrown hairs. they do hurt similar to a b*tch im wit you on that one. I just let them step away on there own.
Is white REALLY gluey discharge majority?
It's probably ingrown hairs. I go and get those a lot but they're not that sensitive. They're just annoying.What do you consider? (woman only)?
thats grotesque, go see a doctorOnce I missed my extent for a few months and instead have this runny stuff beside brown specs?
How long will it pilfer for discharge to stop??
What is this this lump I enjoy on my bikini procession!?!?!?