I imagine I enjoy a yeast infection, what do I do?

I have the white, clumpy cottage-cheese approaching discharge.. It doesn't smell though. But I have be itchy down there..
I am not sexually influential.
I am only 14, I don't enjoy a gynea and I really DON'T want to ask my mum to take me to one..!
"Mummy.. I enjoy a yeast infection.." - It wouldn't be a fun conversation..!
How can i get rid of it?

Answers:    yeast infection are adjectives. there are several over the counter vaginal medications for it. Ask your local pharmacist to recommend one.

Mycelex 7, gynazole 1, etc

I significantly suggest for your first yeast infection to see your primary MD.. you dint need to see a gynecologist. and mom may be more sympathetic than you deduce

good luck

angelic luck
I would at least phone the doctor. What you're describing sounds like a yeast infection, but you inevitability to talk to a doctor or nurse to find out for sure.

Don't be afraid to bring up to date your mother. Many girls and women have yeast infections when they're not sexually alive. Babies can get them. It's nil to be ashamed of.

If this is the first time you're experiencing these symptoms, you need to communicate to a doctor so they can rule out other problems. If it's not a yeast infection, they'll have to use other treatments that you can't buy over the counter, so you involve to talk to them first. I know it's not uncomplicated, but you'll be thankful that you did, especially if it turns out to be something different.

You don't want to use over the counter remedies unless you know for sure that you enjoy a yeast infection. Using those treatments for other infections can cause them to be smaller number effective over time. It's far-reaching that you check with a doctor.
Often within are OTC products like Monistat that enjoy a one application option.

Check near a local pharmacy they usually have things available to support with yeast.
Go to the drug store or grocery store and buy some over the counter meds. They will be clearly labled fundamental the femine products (usually in like peas in a pod isle). You don't deed a doctor perscription. Make sure you are wash yourself a couple of times a day until it is gone. You can carry yeast infections more frequently if you are not clean ample or if you wash too much. Once a year on a normal reason should be fine. The simplest solution is to eat yogurt. Have you taken any antibiotics lately? Sometimes this is a side affect in girls; but it also is ordinary for this to happen from time to time too. Don't verbs about it, a moment ago eat some yogurt, it should jump away on its own. If it doesn't get better within a few days after doing that, then share your mother so she can take you to the doctor or carry you something over the counter. P.S. Make sure the yogurt has stirring enzymes in it such as acidophilus.
You prob. enjoy one. You can pick up some treatment for it in the pharmacy fragment of any store. Look for Monistat or just generic. It's usually better to catch the one-time application instead of like 3 and 7 daytime treatments. In a water tight bowl put: 1 section vinegar, 4 parts water, and some cotton ball. Insert dripping cotton ball into your vagina a moment ago as you would a tampon, only not so far, it will soothe the surrounding skin. Pat dry. Every time you urinate convert it out for another. It can't get lost, it may jump high plenty that you can't reach it at first, but it'll drop backbone down. Then change it, that means of access you will change it plenty. A week or two should do the trick. It messes with the PH height in your vagina so the yeast can’t survive. If your yeast infection is too far gone for this to work, they enjoy over the counter cures. Ask the pharmacist for the cheapest brand. He hears question like this adjectives day long. Don't use one of those products that clear symptoms, but not the lead to.
physicians assistant

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