I purely started my time.

okay i just got my first term on july 8. whether or not i get my period this month, when i do attain it again will it be on the 8th of the month?

Answers:    well... it basically depends: you probably wont capture it on the 8th... it could be a few days before... or a few days after! Your period at first wont be regular, so perchance about a week before you expect it, pass around pads just surrounded by case, cos you never know what will happen! Ask your mum, or sister if you hold one (older) and they'll give you support. Good luck! I havent got mine even so... almost! .
haha no. first of all when u first get it it is usually stale so u won't know ur scedual for a while prob mine was every other month at first u count the dasy between the frist day u win it in one month and the first day u find it the next month like mine is every 28 or 29 days other peoples are similar to every 31 days so it isn't ever like an acual full month between haha it's really hard to know
every girl have a different pattern every month. you could get ur interval at the end of july and have it again 3 days then ya know? but if you usually have it at the beginning of respectively month, then you might get it on the 8th or somewhere around near.

like i said every girl is different .
It depends how long your cycle is (the first day of your second period to the first day of your current period) and if you are regular on the other hand. If you are and you know how long your cycle usually is then all you do is count how ever several days long your cycle is from July 8th. Example: if your cycle is usually 28 days long then you would probably get your subsequent period on or around August 5th. Hope I helped!

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For the first year or two your cycles will be all over the place until your 'period' regulates.. you could start keeping track of your periods near a calendar.. There should be at least 25 days in between period so you could get it on the 8th.. Be prepared if you think you are going to catch it maybe where a wad... Have them with you.. You might get discharge from gooey brown - to clear surrounded by your underwear when it is near.. I always acquire gooey brown discharge a day or two before mine starts. Oh my piousness,
July 8th is the same day i get my first period.

You count your cycle from the first day of your interval to your next period but it is not 28 days for everyone. I use http://www.mymonthlycycle.com to journal my period. I set it up to send me an email to remind me a couple days earlier I expect my period.
28 days. or 4 weeks later. It may not be on the 8th. Sometimes when you first start it will forge you out. Mine doesn't stay on track all the time so always be prepared a few days advanced to when you chew over it will come on. and atleast a day after :] Good luck! and p.s. it might not be on the same Day of the week any :] No, it will be 28-30 days later. Which could end up person the 8th again, but most likely not. So count from there.

But considering you of late started, you may it again in a week or as late as six months to a year following. Most likely not that drastic, but you never know.

I have have my period for quite some time in a minute, and I am a junior in high university (or I will be soon) and what I can tell you is that it takes a moment or two while for your period to calm down, but sometimes your length will start earlier or start later than other times, but it adjectives depends on your body. It's extremely doubtful. I did get my first two on the 25th, but for most people, it's a couple days apart respectively time, or more if you just started. Periods are almost always irregular at the launch, so don't expect it to be on the 8th. .
If you just started, it won't be exactly 28 days. Sometimes it might not even come at all. You'll own symptoms. Like your breasts may start to hurt or get swollen, you get cramps, mood swings, sensation tired.

Just have a pantyliner ready! =).
if it's your firsr it may not be regular even so. you should expect it about a month from your last one but it could come before or later. it might not even come at all for a few months. your body a moment ago has to make it's organic changes. congrats and best of luck!! hope i helped!
:) perchance but the dates aren't always exact sometimes it's a few days rash or late or weeks late. Since it's your first period your going to have alot of change so you might not bring it every month or you might get it real recurrently depends so just wait..
Well its not other regulated when you first get it, it should be somewhere around there basically make sure you always own a tampon/pad whatever you use ready..Eventually you will know the routine of when you will gain it each month..Welcome to the fun world! Lol It really depends on your body and the things that you do. Most likely you will bring it around the week of the 8th. And if you dont get it thats normal too. Sometimes your length skips a month because of hormonal inbalances or stress.
well since you justt got it
you wont procure it 28 days later
you might not even get it subsequent month
it takes about 6-12 months to become regular
and if truth be told come the same day..

p.s. well brought-up luckkk
period suck!.
Just depends, since you just started it could come previously then 28 days. When i first got my time of year it came about every 15 - 23 days . . .but you could also skip a few months at first. probaly not. u attain ur period about every 28 days. and especially if u purely started then right now ur length is goin to be irregular for about the first year or two..
it could be any random sunshine. when i got mine it was december 14th 2006 and the subsequent time i got it was july fourth 2007. it of late depends. just always be prepared.. own pads/tampons at hand. it's usually the fourth week that you will have your length. About 28 days.


this image will give you closer entry onwhat is going on.

its so early you won't really know when you'll get it
somewhere to hand there though

Just count the day from the daylight you started to have period..because girls hold different cycle of period, it can be 28 days, 32 days or 36 days. For the first few times you'll never know so always fetch tampons or pads with you.

Get on birth control. It help you know sometimes down to the hour when you'll get it..
The first couple years of your period are outstandingly irregular. You may not even get one this month or next month. With that said most women's cycles are roughly speaking 28 days apart. no probably not it always off the first coupla months
i get mine in febraury and i didnt get it again until june
usually around 28 days later, but since you first started, and at a young age, its adjectives to have irregular periods ur perods r irregular for the 1st 2 yrs u hold ur period.
Nah... since you just started you probably won't own it again for a month or two... could be.
at first it is kinda funky.
it takes years to become regular..
you'll be irregular 4 a while so you won't know 4 sure, u usualy don't start on the same daytime as u did b 4 28 days from the day you startd.

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