I know I ovulated, why is zilch occurring..?
My last period be on July 13-17 and it was the first period I have since my miscarriage in early June. We are very soon trying to get pregnant again. My ovulation tests started to dispense me positive results the 28th-1st which were cycle days 16-20(the 28th and 1st were "nearly" positive, sensitive of an almost then they were positive 29th-31st) we BD until that time, during and after all these dates. Before my miscarriage I have a 32 day cycle. This cycle I bled longer then formerly and ovulation was later but I am immediately in cycle day 36 near no period still. I took a first response 5 days sooner test today and it be negative. I know that I either own to have a period or be pregnant b/c I ovulated. For 2 days I have (sorry if TMI) snotty looking CM that was thick.. afterwards today and yesterday I have been have white creamy CM and lots of it. I run to the bathroom every two seconds thinking my period started. It is to the point where on earth it comes out when I go pee I have to wear a pantie liner to hold on to it from building up in my undies! I have 2 pregnancy interview that we thought were positive but then dis guarded them as one evap lines b/c you could see them but barely. My boobs have be sore and swelled they feel fuller soo I thought maybe my interval was going to start soon but this started 3 days ago. Then the other day I be in the RR brushing my teeth and my mom was doing her fleece and the cat came in (the liter tub is in there) and peed right in front of the CLEAN liter vessel right in front of us! She never does this and my mom joked around and said oh you must be pregnant! ( I guess its superficial if a cat go outside the box it means your pregnant) but the last try-out said no =[ If my period doesn't come in a week it will be 40 days since my closing!!
I have been super gassy hold had indigestion a lot, hungry, tired, irritated, and I basically want something to happen!
Answers: First of all, I considered necessary to tell you that I am sorry for your loss. :(
Secondly, it sounds as if you might be pregnant. If the "evaps" were on first response test, I wouldn't necessarily count them as evaps. My first positive tests were pretty street light on first response. Since you KNOW you ovulated at the latest the 31st, I'd say you are most possible pregnant. (stress and what not is only supposed to affect the first part of your cycle, prior to ovulation, so that wouldn't explain why you are late).
If you're not getting strong positive test, I would contact your doctor and have them do a blood test. Unfortunately, you may possibly be have a chemical pregnancy, where implantation starts to occur, HCG is made, but next it doesn't fully implant. Hopefully that is not the satchel. Hopefully you're just slow to start producing the HCG. Best wishes and baby dust!
Oh, and take home sure you wait the FULL 10 minutes on the pregnancy test. Any column is a positive line..well, as long as it is a reputable oral exam like first response. I've heard of more false positives on the blue dye test. GOOD LUCK! .
Congratulations. I think you need to rob another test or go to the doctor and own a blood test done.
Good luck to you!!
Dont screw around here.Go see your gyn...Take care,Wish you both polite luck.Dave.
there is a few things it could be. stress. preegnancy. std/sti. or just that your cycle is behind schedule from the weird things that happened lately. i chew over you should go to your phsycian and they will give you more ionnfo as to your problems. remeber, a simple pee theory test ca tell you alot. good luck near this hun.
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