I havent have sex surrounded by over a month, have my term since afterwards but not this month
i got my period shortly after my boyfriend vanished for training a month ago. but this month i didnt get it. i had some spotting later week and cramping this week. i keep thinking im going to get my interval. but no such luck.
Answers: hang out with your girls from the block, that usually induces a interval somehow.
Dont stress so much. Stress causes our bodies to act surrounded by a strange manner. If you think at hand is a possiblity of pregnancy, go to your local drug store and get a testing.
take a test to see if you are or arent .. and dont stress because that will clear it worst...
u might be pregnant. idk see a gyno.
Pressured into Tubal ligation?
What should i do next to my genital parts?
My birth controll is out of commission HELP Im startled!
Ok Period ask Girls
LOTS of discharge?
Very tiny small, complicated cyst on vagina. Is it a problem?
Should i be embarassed. girls lend a hand please?Itchy outer vagina?
I started the orthotri pill on 02/12 2 days after my cycle completed. be that wrong? will i have need of to start over?