I enjoy a moment or two grill...?

okay, so im 13 and i literally have no boobs. but for some reason, my nippys are getting really sensitive, and when i touch them it feel like they have little rocks lower than them. what does this mean? xoxo thanks

Temporarily deaf after orgasm?

That's typically what happen when girls' breasts begin to develop - it won't be long now! :-)


Has anyone else cried when they found out their bra size go up?

It scheme you are on correct development process. There are 5 stages of breast development. You are still surrounded by puberty. The puberty and the menstrual cycle are genetically and hormonally determined and different girls can have different development. It is tremendously personal and pre-menstruation "signals" (strange discharges, breast tense, breast development, tummy pain, etc.) can come 1-2 days or 2-3 months or 11-12 months in mortgage. It depends how sensitive are you and how fast your hormones will jump up. Some girls own no pre-menstrual “signals”. Just don't be stressed because stress itself could make a delay. Everything have it’s time.
Read more in http://www.menstrual-cycle.info
Be Healthy and Happy!

Unfortunate situation, girls simply?

That was me too Sweety! Take it from a nurse... YOU ARE NORMAL. It one and only means that the puberty hormones are working and the "sensitive rocks" in your breast is simply the nouns of the more womanly parts. If you are seriously panicking you can go to the doctor, but I promise you are going to be okay!

What's an orgasm?

this is completely average for girl some girls develope faster than others for exsample my friend rafi is 15 and has no boobs and her nipples are sensitive or so she tells me but its ordinary because i have a lot of friends who dont hold boob and are teenagers so its normal dont worry give or take a few it this just measn when your older you'll hold bigger boobs or so thats what my mom tells me.

;] so dont worry.

Period problem ?

Your nipples getting sensitive is the first step contained by puberty, and growing breasts. The next thing that will occur is that they will start to puff out a little bit. Then after the nipple has expanded your breasts will grow. Don't verbs about the bumps underneath, it's all colloquial, you are just starting to transition. Your period is probably on it's mode soon too, if you havn't got it yet. Take prudence, and ask lots of Q's!

Im 15 and im gettin alot of dicharge?

don't listen to all those BONE HEADS that tried acting like they know what they're discussion about!!
this has nought to do with your period! and it is, within fact, NATURAL.
i remember i had that contained by 3rd grade, and i was hugely concerned, but all that ended up arranged is i got bigger boobies! =]
love yah girly!

Vaginal bleeding?

Your period may be starting if you haven't gotten it even so, and your boobs may be starting to grow as well. It happened to me when I be about your age too.

Why am I getting period close to this?

well it adjectives depends.on whether or not you have your period nonetheless .You might be ready to start one very soon.Maybe that's why they get the impression that way.

[[Or you might have cancer]]
Ask your mother!

Help im confused is it my extent or what?

it mechanism that you are hitting puberty my friend. and then you you will eventually will probably be the same size as your mom. but its typical dont worry

Masturbation=Loss of virginity?

you might be getting your period soon it is regular your just growing up. if you get really worryed or ever hold questions. ask your mom or a person you trust

Will my Boobs draw from bigger?

:) You'll take boobs soon. Sensitivity is because your breasts are growing, & they're just sore.
Best of luck!

Does anyone ever receive a stabbing spasm surrounded by their ovaries within the middle of the cycle what does it stingy??

Theyree growwwinnggg:)
Lucky girll.

First daylight of second extent be feb. 27th. Ultrasound today, April 22, said 5 weeks 1 year, does that nouns right

it means here growing and in the next 2 months at hand are going to grow really big!

Human sexuality question 3 multiple choice?

sometimes they get sore before your time

I regard my libido is inert...?

well now you are gettin um (boobs) and don't verbs, every girl goes through that.

33 year elderly womanly tubes tied 12years ago. Past 3 months neutral spotting period next to a clear discharge?

That means your getting some, toddler girl! !!D

How to attain bigger brests??

Sounds normal to me but get it checked out.

Pain when have a miscarriage?

Means your nearly to start getting them!

I didn't start getting my time of year until I be almost 19??

you're getting boobs

Lying to doctor?

They are on their way, that is what it resources!!

Plastic sugery comfort! tummy tuck.?

tht there grown

Has anyone taken norethisterone formerly?

yeah um i think you should dance to the doctor

Pain from breast implant!?!?

that means your getting boobs.
thats natural.

I detestation Gym Class?

i wouldn't ask question like this on the internet. men may hunt you down. ask your mother!

Can your extent come down a couple hours after sex?

When I rub my nipples.?
Help, adjectives test refusal?
How to increase my breast size to attract boy?
  • Maybe i am further along ... adjectives i know is that i took a pregnancy trial and it showed positive?
  • My Mum Says I Need To Start Looking After Myself..?

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