I AM BLEEDING! why? please please support

i went to the bathroom
and there be blood ALL OVER my underwear and it was
coming out my part??
what is this? and what do i DO?!?? not a soul is home but me!! am i going to die or something??! help im scared!! i am 11 if that help .

Answers:    Kiddo, you got your period.

You are not dying.. promise.

Let your mom know as soon as she is home. In the meantime, see if she have pads or panty liners within her washroom. And put one in a clean double act of underwear. Do NOT use a tampon.

Put little stars on your calendar or diary so that you can start keeping track of when it comes. Use a star for each day you own it.

It might stop and start for a couple of days, so keep pads near you (purse, backpack, locker, etc). And it will take about a year to regulate.

You might attain cramps/tummy ache. If you do, eat a banana (they relieve with that) and use a hot water bottle on your tummy for 5 minutes. If that doesn't oblige, you can take an Advil or teen Midol.

Also, the blood may look brown, pink or red... all are majority. You might also get sore breasts, gas, bloating in your tummy... adjectives normal.

Talk to your mom... she knows this is going to ensue to you and that she will have to talk to you more or less it. If she has a cell, call her and consent to her know that she needs to bring pads home for you. .
you are be coming a women. you started your length which means your bleeding this will happen to you every month. it will usally end between 3 to 6 days it depends on your body type. first call your mom and let her presently ask her wear the pads are and go seize one then get some fresh underwear on beside a pad. just to agree to you now this happends to every girl and lasts until your 45 or something i dont really immediately the age thou so never mind about that.you will start learnig about it at the finish of 5th grade and will learn again contained by 6th and 8th grade. Hon, have you ever have a period before? That sounds close to heavy flow to me- and the first period would enjoy scared me to death have it happened to me at your age.

If there is no discomfort, there is likely no verbs. Cramping feels like you own to poo really, really bad, but can't. It can be in your tummy, your lower spinal column, and even into your legs.

Do you have a neighbor lady you can collaborate to? Any of your friend's mothers? Get on the phone and call someone to come and help you out.

Do it presently!
ok sweetheart! calm down! its fine! ur a girl! congrats! this is ur period. ok! adjectives girls get them. its fine. your not gonna die. but as soon as ur mom gets home, TELL HER! this is newly something that happens when a girl is ready to be capable of be pregnant. dont worry. go into where on earth ur mom keeps all her sanitary items and look for menstrul pad. NO TAMPONS! put the pads on the inside of ur underwear. if u dont find any, put toilet paper here insead It is ur period

When girls get to a persuaded age they go through changes and ur around the right age

You obligation to talk to ur mom grandma aunt or someone older than 16 so that they can explain it to u surrounded by more detail

Ur not going to die you will be fine trust me I have already gone through what u r going through right now

Good luck and dont verbs u will be just fine.
Calm down; you just started your spell. Every girl goes through this. You will get it once a month once this become regular. Place some tissue down there (so it doesn't bleed everywhere), and when your mom gets home, ask her to buy you some tampons. It is mundane to have your period not constant at first; it will grasp better later on. Good luck! Don't worry.
You've lately had your first period. It comes for just about 1 week a month.
It's just a sign you're growing up.
You're not going to die, you're just going to enjoy things like cramps.
As soon as your parents get home, shift tell your mom, she'll be able to explain more..
It's your menstrual spell! Your eggs broke! Now it means that you can get pregnant, so mind! It's that first, then the breasts start growing and then the pimples! I don't connote to scare you, but it's just how existence goes for women. Now, you are a young female! Good luck and hope i helped! if i had to guess this is a banter. (haha wow funny)

if it's not, just in baggage, don't worry. this is your first period. it's innate and there's nothing wrong with you. chat to your mom when she gets back or an aunt or grandmother or a feminine you trust. stay calm. you will be fine.

Congraulations you started your period, this manner it's gonna come and visit every month. Don't worry this is freshly a sign of you becoming a women its completely normal. Tell your mom and she can get you pad or tampons. Hope i helped and good luck. I this supposed to be funny?

I'm laughing XD hahaha

but umm.you're not hurt.merely jumble up some toilet paper down there and put on crappy comfy pant untill your mom or sis comes home..

I swear this has got to be a quip.tell me I'm right c'mon!.
you have probably started your time..

just put a pad on.. if you hold them.. or a tampon.. instructions will be there

you might have cramps and your stomach could be a moment or two upset.. but you wont die!

you will be fine...
it's called a period...system ur a women! oh the joy! (not) just bring up to date ur mom all girls have 2 turn thru it :( unfortunately...but it does mean ur fine...so i guess that's a good thing...lol i have a friend who had a similar experience 2 urs to make u discern better :). Congratulations! You started your first menstrual period. Good for you, you're officially a woman. By the route, you have to be at least 13 yrs elderly to join WomenAnswers.org, hun..
You got your extent, congratulations, you may now make babies.
All playing around aside, go call your mom, toss the underwear, and use one of her pad. No you are not going to die. It is your period.Check and see if your mom or older sister have any pads and put one in your underwear.When your mom or whoever get home, tell them..
period :]]
you hit PUBERTY! congrats! LOL :]]

if yer a girl...
but if yer a guy... uhmmm hail as a doctor?.
its called a period, smart one.

budge here:

You got your period..Just mop up yourself and put a pad..Talk to your mom when she comes home..Thats the best thing you can do.. Calm down. This is your time and all girls go though it. It only just means you are hitting sexual maturity (Puberty). It will immediately come once a month every month. As soon as your mom gets home tell her..
it could be that u enjoy UTI and must be treated right away u will not die so dont worry but u must tell ur mom or dad presently and to take u to a doctor right away it's your period sweetie.
gentle dawn and put a pad surrounded by some fresh underwear, your not going to die.

it's not scary
your not alone.
actually if it DOESN'T transpire you'd be alone..

its just your period. hold you not had sex ed class or seen tampon/pad commercials? lol.
if ur a woman its a piriod

and if ur a guy send for 911 cuz thats bad and i mean really impossible.
your on your menstrual period. its a normal article. just chill out tell your mom and next ask her to explain it. its periods

u got them where on earth a pad ur mom wheres and call her

its nil its a normal thing

google to fing out more.
Hahahahahahaha.thats funny own you never heard of your period!?
Yes,thats what happen...mother nature sucks!!
Just get pad or tampons and youll be fine it catches the blood so u dont bleed all over the place!
its probably your interval. your fine.
or you might have gotten cut, or torn your skin, and it just requests time to heal. its ur period
make clear to ur mom wen she gets home so she can get u some pad
haha good luck =].
Maybe you just get your monthly period : ) its your period and no you wont die lol

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