Dont know what to regard...

I had a baby 4 weeks ago on friday and im not enjoy looking after her. I just feel resembling my world has caved surrounded by and feel lonely, even though I hav a partner and friends around me. I have a lump contained by my throat as if i need to cry. Im going to ask the health guest for advice but thought I would ask some women on here as well.

Answers:    Very everyday but tell your health guest or GP they can help you are not alone lots of women get this.
Don't verbs I have also been through it. When I be excited, I was happy but after little one was born felt like way u do. I suffered from constipation, felt too much worried, frustrated and feel like crying. I did cried though my mum was around me adjectives the time for three month but u know, at the end u are responsible for ur baby. It's a huge responsibility. Later on the robustness -visitor told me I suffered from baby blue's or post-natal depression. So, in my experience don't consent to yourself feel low, get out when ur kinfolk are looking after ur baby, have nice quill cut and just take everything slowly and steadily. As baby grows older u will start reaction better. Good luck You have post pardum depression! My sister had it after the birth of her son. She didn't even want to be around him. My mom have to take care of him. Her doctor give her some medication to take for it and after a couple of weeks it subsided. Talk to your doctor soon because some women really have a bleak reaction to it and can even cause damage to their child. You do love your baby and you will enjoy raise her but after the 40 week long build up of excitement by family and friends, birth which doesn't take close by as long and is hard and painful sometimes cause a let down effect and you become depressed. You will get through this beside help, best of luck..
yeah tons of new mothers attain it. just talk to someone. ask for lend a hand witht he baby. try to sleep as much as you can. go out a bit and try to find things that still gross you happy. youre baby is so substantial to you. but take care of yourself too. you said you ahd a partner. so ask for help out with the baby and try to bargain about whats going on inside and how you feel.

its majority. itll go away you just gotta receive rid of it. .
It sounds like you might have post-partum depression. A lot of women own this condition after having a baby, so you are not alone. I don't know much nearly it, but I think it has to do beside hormone inbalances in your body from pregnancy. Tell your ob/gyn immediatley about it and they should enjoy the medication to make you feel better. It may be ppd but afterwards it may just be normal bc altgough I dont consistency that way ALL hte time, I do some of the time, and taking care of a newborn, though rewarding, can be particularly isolating and even lonely at times. also overwhelming. .
yh it sounds like you have some sort of depression near is nothing to worry just about just talk to someone resembling your health visitor straight away as they Willl sustain you get rid of that feeling.

fitting luck. .
Sounds like post-partum depression to me, hon.

Please talk to someone right away.

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