How to let somebody know my mom around period

im 14 and ive had my period for a year my mom dont know she keep asking me if ive had them or if i need pad i keep sayin no cuz im 2 embarrassed. i keep hold of stealing hers. i want to tell her but i cant
i dont no wat 2 do

Answers:    Listen, your mom knows already. She's simply trying to bring back you to admit to it. She knows your dad isn't taking the pad. She is trying to get you to open up so that she doesnt' embarass you.

You say aloud girl power on your name. USE IT. Girls aren't embarassed over periods! Periods are the individual reason there is vivacity upon this earth! Guys cannot bring life forth, one and only women. Women power! Without periods, life would completion! No more could be born. It's a wonderful thing, bringing the promise of life for the adjectives.

It also means your body is growing up and you need to lock in up to it with your thinking! Every female on planet gets periods, it's as commonplace as having skin. Nothing to be embarssed about.

Go up to her and explain, yes, i do enjoy myperiod for a year now. I don't know why i've been embarassed up until in a minute. But i now realize that it's a normal for my body to own these. And that you have had them since your teens, probably, too.

Most of your friends hold theirs too. Almost every woman you see walking around has theirs. The pad aisle is huge for a rationale. Nothing to hide. In fact, it's a right of hall.

You are a little girl, then you seize your period and start to become a woman. Don't trap yourself into a little girl mode that doesn't want to grow up. Heavens no! Be proud.

If you don't let somebody know her soon she'll be taking you to the doctor to run tests to see why you haven't. Doctor is goign to poke around and see that do have have them and won't that be more embarassing in the long run to be caught up contained by a long term, silly, lie??

Remember too, that if you own your period, it means your body is producing eggs. plan, if you have sex, you can now seize pregnant.

also know that a guy pulling out does nothing. A guy secretes sperm from the moment he enter a woman until he is out again. So don't think that anything he can do, other than wearing protection, can protect you from getting pregnant.

Stand up right very soon. Go over to your mother and tell her waht i said above. You have your length and you refuse to be embarassed any longer. You go girl. Find that girl power! .
If you save using her pads, she definitely already know that you've gotten your period. Just tell her! The just thing that will happen is that you won't call for to steal her pads anymore--she'll buy you some of your own. And now you won't enjoy to lie to her anymore. It might be embarrassing at first, but you'll go and get over it. There's no easy way to do this, i have to really pluck up the courage to tell my mum.
You could just ask her to take you some pads, she will obviously know what for..
Or you could run shopping with her, pick some up and put them in the trolley..
Or you could ring her and ask her to achieve you some on her way home from work.
Or you could just come straight out beside it and say 'Mum i got my period a year ago and ive been using yours, can i have some of my own?'
Best of luck.
Wow, explicitly quite a while with out relating your mom. In my opinion you really should make your style into telling your mom. I know it sounds difficult to do but once you do tell her youo will be similar to " why did i wait that long to tell her" I know i be afriaid to tell my mom! but you just come to the point where on earth you really need to tell her. I know it is strong but you can do it!
trust me! Why so scared? Your mom won't be angry or anything, it shows because she keeps asking...

Turning into a babyish woman is nice and you should be able to talk nearly it with you mom...who would know best! If you're scared that you didn't give an account her for a whole year, explain why you were startled and she'll understand.

Why are you embarrassed? Your time of year is nothing to be embarrassed just about. Ever girl in the entirely of the world gets them. That technique that 3.25 billion people on this earth will own a period. Your mom obviously get a period. Just tell her. She probably know already, pads just don't hoof it out of the package. It's okay, she's not going to yell at you. She might be rather surprised that you've had it for a year without describing her though. If you can't tell her face to facade, write her a note. .
i would just transmit her. if you're not the kind of person who is start with your mother, maybe you could only let her see you taking a pad and afterwards she'll know that you have it without you have to tell her.
dont be embarrassed, its the most commonplace thing. =] Um, she's probably asking cause she's notice her pads are disappearing.

Why are you embarrassed to detail her. She's a woman, she's got a period. Don't stress over it, honey. Just enlighten her.

Good luck!.
I just blurted it out...she is a woman you know... Once you tell her in that will be a load off your chest! Just stir right up and say I got my time of year! You can say how you were for a time embarrassed to tell her...but really what she does not know can not hurt her...=) let somebody know her bc i had mine at skool, nd im 13. THis was at LUNCH! alot of ppl in attendance. just tell her bc surrounded by the first year or even 2 years ups and downs can happen, like me i have some probs with my period. so lately tell her she'll understand.

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