Can I receive pregnant if I newly finished my birth control, and I'm on my finishing days of my length?

I just finished my Birth Control yesterday and me and my boyfriend had sex, he ejaculate inside me and now im worried i might be pregnant. Is it possible that i am pregnat? is there more of a risk because i am still on my spell? help me please.

Answers:    It sounds like you basically took your last active pill from your hormonal birth control yesterday. Is that right? If it is, and you took adjectives 21 active pills, as directed (one every day at indistinguishable time each day), you are completely protected from pregnancy during your seven day immobile week. There's no extra risk during your inactive week. The pill is designed to protect you from pregnancy during your withdrawal bleed, as long as you just take as long of a break as the pills intend (usually no more than seven days). Extending your inactive week is deeply risky, so make sure that you don't do that. :) Long story short: it doesn't sound approaching you have any extra risks here.

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