Period started again after 1 week, due again within a week.?

Is it possible for period to start again even if you might be preg, will the pills that start it cause it to start reguardless. I've be feeling weird or conceivably its all in my come first cause my partner is the one who keeps thinking I am.

Linessa birth control??

I choice there were more concrete answers near this thing. Me and my fiancee are going through pretty much the same entity now and I am worrying her with it. did you pinch a pregnancy test yet?

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First if you consider you might be pregnant take a home pregnancy test, and if its positive and you are bleeding/spotting you should see your doctor forthwith. If its negative, then you might be a moment ago having irregular periods, and unless its impressive (like very heavy or stale color or with odor in which crust you definitely need to see your doctor) will probably acquire back to normal ina few months. Overall If I be you, I wouldnt take any more pills until I have taken that home pregnancy check and its Negative! you dont want to harm your baby. Hopefully its nought and its just our silly red visitor alittle confused!

Plan B and Late Period?

Yes it IS possible for you to still bleed even if you are pregnant, but you still want to go to a doctor to be sure.

Period from hell ! relief!?

you can't have your extent and be pregnant, ever. sorry. it could be soemthing else though.

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Period question?
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