How long... ?

just out of curiosity... what is the length of time that u would influence is perfect for u for sex. some girls might get tired after 30mins while others want more even after hours so what is the amount of time that u need/want to please u the best?

When will discharge be in motion away?

Discuss next to your partner how long you want. Sometimes its short or long, depending on the circumstances. It's really communication with her. Some girls will have sex for hours, and some seize too sore. It depends on how she feels, and what she wants. But try to calm her so shes happy, then I am blissful and she as well. Good luck.

I have need of a bit of reassurance re: planned hysterectomy-?

When your more experienced you will want different things at different times.

Sometimes your tired and want to get your rocks rotten and go to bed, other times you will be more playful, experimental or spend time being committed

Some guys last 2 mins, some last 30mins while others it can oscillate. More experienced guys can time it right or last as long as his partner wants it to move about for.


hmmm well im only 15 lol
but i bet if i be having sex already id wanna enjoy it for as long as possible;; in other words till HE was tired :D lol

Does anyone..?

who times at hand self while having sex?? do you have a stop study next to the bed and when your done you scream TIME what time did we gain honey did we come close to breaking the world

Lower tummy - ladies one and only?

10-15 minutes of penetration at a time... no more... the together thing could last adjectives day though, it depends if you have anything better to do that afternoon! LOL

Every very soon and later i go and get cramps.?

For intercourse 15 min! But sex is not just intercourse!

I can't stop bleeding...?

I would want like.. 25 minutes total, near the first 5 as foreplay. Longer than that, I get sore.

Weird cravings - pregnant?

you got to thrill them and if afterwards get tierd and stop that quick she didnt approaching it at least an hour and u are good man

I'm a moment or two worried roughly speaking my mom.?

Do you stop growing after your extent?
Bad Period Pain!!?
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