Is something seriously wrong next to me?
Answers: Check beside your Ob/Gyn. This may be an ectopic or extrautero pregnancy..
I doubt if you are pregnant which is why I think you are asking. If the pain comes and after goes away right away, you could be having cysts that are rupturing. I devise the headaches, and fatigue are from just anyone a Mom of four kids. I also had four, all girls, and in a minute am the grandmother of eight, four boys and four girls. Take a good hot bath and see if that starts your time. I don't know how old you are, but you may be starting pre-menopause also, I did at 29 years old, the doctor be surprised I didnt have twins! a quick course to answer part of your stress issue is a simple pregnancy test..that will aid alot...if pain remains, doctor visit would be best
you appropriate vitamins? eat well? rest? possible cyst, endometriosis, or infection?.
You stipulation to see a doctor.
This combination of symptoms can be a result of a few things, some not very serious and some severe. See a doctor. If this has be going on for two weeks you need to go as soon as possible..
move about to your doctor and ask him/her what is could be something serious go to your doctor a.s.a.p.
good luck <3.
Go to the doctor as soon as possible! it may be nil to worry about, but better be safe and sound than sorry.
God Bless.
you should go see a doctor