How do i know im not pregnet?

ive been having stomak problems and my breats kinda hurt and im ingestion like crazy

ive been drinking like crazy and sleeping alot and i cant drink water wiit out my tummy hurting me
and the final time i hade sex was almost a week ago

Period sound out...?

You could always buy a pregnancy experiment.

Peeing on the stick could answer all your problems - or just create more... :0

I consistency really lantern head!?

you call for to take a pregnancy test. Try First Response. You can communicate like 3 days after you had sex. Also the symptoms you are have are also the same when you are about to own your period. I am 35 and can not have anymore kids inflict I got my tubes tied. Every month I am also so tired, I eat similar to a cow and have really bad stomach cramps. And my boobs take really tender. I through this with my sister all the time and she other ends up getting her period a week later. Good luck to you. If a toddler is what you want. If not, you need to protect yourslef better. Not only for pregnancy but for STD's.

Someone please comfort me?

You are not pregnant from have sex a week ago... well, maybe you are, but you would not be have symptoms yet!

You know you're not pregnant by waiting to see if your next time of year comes. If it does come and it's completely normal, you're not pregnant. If it doesn't come, take a oral exam and it will tell you.

This is serious?

this is so easy, first when should you capture your next period?? find the date on the calendar, count backwards 5 days. jump to the store buy a early detection pregnancy test and pinch it. if it comes out negative and you still think that it is a possibility that you are pregnant continue a few days and take another. MORNING FIRST URINE IS BEST TO USE, it will show the highest hcg hormone needed for a try-out to show positive.

Can you still find Ovulation pains when you're on the Contraceptive Pill ??

You can take a pregnancy test if your length doesn't come when it should. You can also see your doctor for a blood test which confirms sooner than a home pregnancy test. Outside of that, there's no route to know.

Is this run of the mill Discharge?

The symtoms of pregnancy don't come till a bit later than a week. But a test : ) they are effortlessly found in pharmacies/drug stores, the will give an almost 100% guarenteed answer : )

Do every girl bleed when they enjoy sex for the first time?

Blood tryout. Accurate 100 %, almost immediate answers (in two days). A particular hormone is checked. It's never wrong. Pregnancy test will not show anything right now.


Was the sex protected or UN protected..
Commen Sense .. go to the nearest drug store and grasp an at home pregnancy test. Whip that little sucker out and you know on it.

Is this conventional?

you miss your period or you overrun a pregnancy test. Although sometimes these are misleading. If there is any doubt your Dr. can check and see.

Im still confused ladies??

Sorry but you will enjoy to wait a little bit longer.

When are the most fertile days for women so as to avoid sex surrounded by those days.?

Your breats hurt? How do you treat that? If your extent starts, you probably aren't pregnant.

16 and Bedwetting bro?

How old are you?? You should go and pick up a pregnancy audition.. and see..

Sleeping on your put money on help your boobs grow?

Get a pregnancy test.

UTI? Something else? Just a bit too worried, even though this have be going on for a while?

lets hope your not jeez swot up to spell, how old are you 4?

When your on the pill how long does your extent later? Is it shorter?

if u have ur time of year

If youve have your time of year for 2 years, do your breasts still verbs to grow?

get tested or wait till u miss ur interval


Please girls solely!?
What do misscarrages quality and look approaching??
Late on my spell?
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