When are the most fertile days for women so as to avoid sex contained by those days.?


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If you're worried about getting pregnant, take steps to assure that you don't. Trying to guess when you might be "most fertile" is playing next to fire. You can get pregnant the day after your extent, the day before and surrounded by fact, during your period. Don't pilfer chances. See your physician or make an appointment at Planned Parenthood to discuss the avilable option. Take care of you.

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in the middle of your cycle. it would be best to avoid sex 12-17 days after the first year of your last period because this is when you are ovulating. *remember sperm can live inside a woman's body for 2-5 days so if you really don't want to seize pregnant i suggest abstaining or using an alternate method of b.c.

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The days when your discharge is egg white consistency is when you are the most fertile you should read Taking charge of your fertility it can help you track your cycle so that you know exactly when you are fertile so that you can avoid sex on those days.

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The middle of your cycle. This is not a good method of birth control. If it give you a good clue, it's the only one sanctioned by the Vatican.

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14 days after your extent.

Yaz birth control haulting my extent?

Right after your period.

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I missed my interval and own be sensation sick surrounded by the mornings but haven't have sex near my boyfriend. Confused!

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I started my interval it be filling but in a minute have slowed down should i be worried?
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