How Do I Get Over My Anger???

How Do I get over my anger without calling empire names/ saying i hate them and punching a hole thought the wall. i hope this is uncomplicated

ty! ( thank you) and i need answers quick for the adjectives... just in shield...
ive had this probably for a while.

Answers:    It's all within the training of your anger and focusing on something while you chill. Try repeating a short poem, like Jack and Jill or Humpty Dumpty and smile at them while this goes over contained by your head. Or you can walk away and say aloud the poem in your head. Either method, take a few deep breaths and try to relax. The sooner you can procure a hold of your anger the better and more mature you will be and the better you will feel. It's appropriate practice because you will soon notice others losing their tempers and you will be harmony thinking how silly they look..
Counting, Meditation etc.
Punching things, yelling, beating on pillows are discouraging. These methods have been proven to in actual fact increase or keep your anger there.
Penn and Teller did an experiment where on earth two groups of people were told to write essays, and later they all were given spinal column their own essay with an F on it and "This is the worst essay I have ever read" on it.
The first group be just supposed to sit around for 10 min after getting the essay back, the second group be told to punch out their anger on a pillow.
Then each group was told they have a chance to get backbone at the person who graded their essay. They be given hot sauce, and told that the person who graded their essay be going to drink how much they poured. The people who punched a pillow poured more than the ones who were only just told to sit.
So just count or meditate. Don't let it filch over your emotions..
I answered a question similar to this one awhile fund. You se, I too have a "background" full of 'anger people'. My family tree is German, Pennsylvania Dutch, 5 different types of Indian within me, plus a lot of "miss-match" in me. I own found that when I get up in the morning, I pray and ask God to help out me treat others as I would like to be treated. Besides prayer I have Bible studies on my computer, the Holy Bible itself, and my Sunday conservatory lessons from the quarterly. Even with adjectives of this "I surround myself with fellow Christians" By doing these thing I not one and only learn more about my Lord & Savior, living close to this helps "temper" my thoughts that lead to anger! Let me share something near you- like you, I was a hot-head.After pracricing this brand of lessons, a car sped by me one winter, right into a sea hole that soaked me--my 1st impulse was to yelp at them but The Holy Spirit reminded me of my "life change", so instead, I just sensibly said,"No, Bill, You are not 'about' being a hot-head. AND IT WORKED! Praise God! action. you get to slap him/her. dont call names. bring the misery!
well if you are not going to fight and be a loser next you will just have to meditate contained by a corner of a room. chances are they(people you hate) will more likely to bully you knowing that you are cowed.
but if you are saying no i am not that aggressive/passive until they really push the limit. after my answer is there is no limit. it is more resembling getting the other heads first b4 they get your team leader..
i alway ignore it.. how to get obver anger? very well frist try not to show anger or get anger. calling names it hurts others and yourself.
remember this.. the more you show u trouble or emotion the more they do it. becasue the know it gets you yo respond to them and they want that. put on a herald phone.. pretending your not listening ( talk on the phone and laught..)walk away. Try to respond next to a valvety response and say thats not nice for you Johnny change yourself and you will love your self more. I usually try and grant calm response to others comments it usually would make them angrier than you..
shouting along to hardcore punk(like blag flag, minor threat, or motionless kenndys) then listen to Mrs. Robinson by Simon and Garfunkel(it always clams me down) Or freshly listen to your favorite songs.
First person shooter games always work. Well, what do you approaching to do? like something that can take your mind sour of your anger. =]
Try taking deep breaths, or squeeze something like a stress bubble. listening to music helps too. =P.
Imagine a traffic pallid slowly changing from green to yellow to red and pacify down when you get to red. Look up breathing (or yoga) excesses..
I usually squeeze an object or throw/rip up a piece of newspaper. >.<

It works rather well. .
when you bring an answer let me know I have that problem too.

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