How much would i grow after my length??
I'm 13 and i"m 163cm weighing 110lbs, and i just have my first period, my mum is 168cm and my dad is like 188cm
do you come up with I"d be able to grow to atleast 168cm??
Answers: I did hear a theory that you should be partly way between your Mum and Dad for a girl but I've never found anyone to fit this theory precisely!
At 13 next to periods you aren't going to hit 178 cm, but depending on your growth, between 165 and 170 cm maybe rather over.
you stop - completly growing at 18 so i wouldnt worry about it - i dont focus growth - as in height have much to do with periods - i would ask a doctor the subsequent time you go but you will probably grow slightly bigger than your mum . i think you probably will. because you usually grow for in the order of 2 years after you start and since you just started u have plenty of time. thank you. i hope i could serve..
It's likely that your body will change. Puberty is an curious thing though because you don't know how and where your body is going to develop. No worries though- it's adjectives good.
Hope I helped. You grow up to roughly 3 years after getting your period. So maybe I don't know how quickly you grow. In my case I only grew 2 inches and that be it..
i started my period 2 yrs ago and im still growing!! u probably will grow a few inches at the most 4in, it depends on your family genes This could of late be an urban legend, but I just hear from a friend that females stop growing after they've hit puberty..
People usually say that you won't grow after your first period. But newly to be sure, you should get lot's of calcium. I think you stop growing two years after your term. So however much you grow then..
Don't worry ... you will still hold growing ... at least 168cm or a bit more i grew a good 8 inches after i started my term so yeah