Help! Woman single, please???

Okay, so I got my 7th or 8th period today, and my stomach is hurting BIG TIME. The strain won't stop, no matter what. My mother told me that if I exercised, the pain would dance away, but my stomach hurts so much that I can't even exercise. I've taken some pain killers, but nil happened. Can someone please help?!?

Answers:    cramp killers probably aren't your bestbet love
take a couple of advil put away a banana the pottassium will settle your stomach. and your moms right! exercise!
if the pain continues, you should probably go see your doctor because its not everyday..
Try a hot water bottle or heating wad on you stomach/back or both depending on where you're hurting. Take some Ibuprofen to help beside the inflammation and pain and then lay down and rest. Sometimes exercise can relieve, but in some cases it only make it worse. Good luck and I hope you feel better. soak a towel in river, squeeze it out, and put it in the microwave until it's warm. consequently apply it onto your cramps. the warmth should help relieve it a bit. just lay down on your bed and try and forget about the cramp, watch your favorite tv show. there's not much else you can do. your mom is right exercising would help, but i know how it feel if you can hardly move. just relax. i'm sorry. i hope this help!.
That can be normal. It sounds like it's only just cramps. Exercise helps some people but not others. You might also want to try taking a hot tub or doing something else that is relaxing. I've heard that the chemicals contained by chocolate can help alleviate cramps, too! So try eating a dusk chocolate bar and see if that helps.

Stretching, lying down, or sitting propped up against pillows might also relief. Just try several different ways of coping with your cramps and eventually you will find what works best for you.

(Exercise never works for me, personally! It only just makes the cramps worse!).
Cramps suck dont they? :[
I usually find a hot water bottle or two help, as does hugging a pillow.
It sounds cliche but I also find eating some Dairy Milk helps, not galaxy, nothing other chocolate, but plain Dairy Milk.
I think its the sugar content.
Painkillers might work if you use the right type. I use codeine, i dont know what type youve tried.
Try and get lots of sleep too :) Usually cramps travel within the day.

sweetie! Please dont thieve any more painkillers! They have the possibility of increasing the blood flow and could cause you to bleed even more which could raison d`??tre MORE cramping.midol always worked for me and just lay down flat on my back and trying to take a rest. Try not to move around a whole lot because that is making your muscles flex more which will effect the cramoing to increase! So take a midol or 2 and lay down, relax, and try to take a forty should feel better when you wake up. If you dont later i suggest going to the DR. because cramps shouldnt last for very long and if they do afterwards something could be wrong...dont worry will be fine. Ah,You're experiencing cramps.Use a heating wipe,hot water bottle,or you can get those heated patch from the pharmacy that stick on your skin and release heat.Those can help tremendously! You could also run a nice melt bath and sit in the melt water for a while. Also,pamprin or midol works really well..
If you sit next to your legs straight out and bend over, as if you were reaching for your toes to stretch, then it puts pressure on your tummy and relieves some pain. I've heard that getting surrounded by the bathtub with thaw water relaxes it too. Good luck, hope I helped. hot wet bottle helps me. if you continue to bring painful periods you can progress on the pill and then don't take the sugar pills so you never grasp a period. also muscle relaxants i think the doctor prescribes those i'm not sure though..
I would urge you to see a doctor. There are undisputed medical conditions that can cause severe pain during menstruation. Since the headache seems to be severe, and pain medication are not working, it is time to seek medical give support to. i agree with your mom. yeah, your stomach hurts, but it's been proven that you will discern better after excersise. tough it out, girl you can do it! .
Try placing a hot water bottle on you tummy. Heat is great for easing pain. You could also try have a hot bath.

Take care. .
the individual things that worked for me were:
hot water case
lying down straight on the floor with my back to the ground
. usually doesn't give support to too much though. I'm lucky, my cramps aren't toooo bad.
they are probably cramps... pain killer might not do very much... try midol or pamprin... I also don't think your mom finances to do sit ups or anything but perhaps try walking around for awhile... Try taking advil/tylenol for the cramps. Hot water bottle or heat pad on your tummy might help as economically. Drinking hot tea and just relax. Feel better,I know you will..
Go to this site, cause my cramps are average. Maybe it'll help out. :) But you could always try a heating/cooling pad on your lower belly. take a hot shower or bath, and curl up beside a heating pad on your tummy ! and keep on it out..
it will go away...I usually get surrounded by the bathtub with hot dampen and that helps some drink hot tea and lay down or a while and midol is the best

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