Girly query?

ive been getting very itchy from down below on the sides and inside.. its be now for 2 days... could it be thrush? if so how do i treat it do i need to c a doc or can i seize the med over da counter. pls tel me its really uncomfortable

Helpppp! i call for some honourable answers..?

sounds like thrush! try canestan duo (pessary and cream) works a treat !.

Girl cross-question.. boys, nearby is no explanation within reading this!?

Thrush is the permanent status we use to describe an overgrowth of yeast in a baby's mouth. This yeast, called candida, customarily lives within our mouth, intestines, and genital area. It thrives within moist, warm environments. Occasionally this yeast is allowed to overgrow so much it becomes evident as white patches.

If you have never have a yeast infection, go to the doctor. They will take a urine taste and test it. If you are sexually active you may want to check for STD's.

Have be spotting on and rotten for a wk not enuff 2 wear a wipe tho n its pink n im 2days overdue n headache?

in good health it's not called thrush in this covering, but essentially you are right. it is a yeast infection. if you've never had one before you should move about to the doctor for diagnosis. there are other diseases it could be and you shouldn't treat any symptoms unless you are sure. he can give you a pill that will clear it right up so you wont hold to deal with those messy creams.

He's economically endowed and it hurts?

sounds resembling thrush definately, id try over the counter first, speak to a pharmist there, they will aid you

in the mean time try using Live unprocessed yogurt, its got to be live and natural and use that as a cream, sounds unusual but is very good as a self remedy until u bring the proper stuff

Birth Control near antibiotics?

Sounds like thrush to me, i had it three times =[

aw try over the counter, if you can obtain the tablet and cream and remember to use the cream after the itching goes away just to be not dangerous =]

My mom bought me pantie liner today!! Need help out now((((?

Its totally thrush. Id bet my life on it :)

Just go to the chemist and ask them for a 3 daylight treatment (to make sure you get rid of it) if they ask you if you hold had it before simply say yes.

Good luck!

Could I be prg?

You probably have a yeast infection. You can budge to the store and buy over the counter meds for this. But, if the symptoms do not clear up in 3-7 days, then dance to your doctor !

Question just about birth control?

It probably is a yeast infection but i would go to the doctor because if you wait too long it could result in a UTI as well. So you may want to be checked for both.

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