Girlfriend PMSing and i dont know what to do?

well, its happened 3 time back where my girlfriend says to me "i perceive numb". like....emotionally numb. and i understand and even though she doesnt other say "I'm PMSing" i can tell. and usually, after a while of outlook numb, she tells me that she doesnt feel commonplace like she doesnt love me. I'm scared this will verbs our relationship. One time i got really paranoid and asked her to please not dump me and she actually started thinking roughly speaking it. later she called me up crying dictum she didnt want it to end, but that she was confused in the order of her feelings.

now i know 110% she loves and i surface likewise. but yesterday she sed (exact words) "dude, im totally pmsing". idk how to comfort her or make her touch better during these moments. and i would not want to give her for even a billion dollars. she means so much. please, i obligation some advice on how to deal beside this.

Answers:    Oh my gosh I know how she feels, and how you feel.

When you enjoy bad PMS, you tend to take it out on your boyfriend more than anyone else, and knowing that you are is the worst outlook in the world.

I die every time it comes around, because each month it seem to be worse. I am so horrible to my boyfriend and I can't even control it. Its so scary, its like I'm a completely different human being. Things I enjoy don't make me joyous, things I would have found funny are now irritating

Its truly frightful.

One thing that works for me is if I get upset and cry. Its resembling, I'm letting some of those pent up hormones out so its a release and I feel better. Encourage her to eat chicken and drink milk (they help) and to not hold within her thoughts or emotions.

I know how awful both of you feel, but it of late shows her how great of a guy you are for sticking by her through all this.

Good for you guys..
when I pms I to through this emotional item too and it's totally normal. Sometimes I seem to be capable of control the emotions but it's really hard . Girls resembling it when their guy hugs them and kisses them and just pampper them specially through this time. And just generate her deal happy manufacture her like u all over again!
My bf does this but at times I still acquire like emotional and he in recent times comfts me and everything is better . This just what I now from expirience but I hope I help IM srry to say this but this is biology. But u can if she wants stop or difficulty her period sinc ehtis case i believe fals into the adjectives catagory in which a women may take pills hta are in general made for preventing pregnance. As in take contraceptive pill sos that she wont own this great upset and if u two want to have a baby juts stop takign th epills and enjoy sexual intercourse. Much later in the road im sure but bar that there isnt much 2 do, goo dluck im here 4 u.
I know it sounds kinda bad but wen its that time of the month for my gf i usually basically try yo act like shes a cop. Just look straight ahead and nod wen asked a press. lol i know that prob doesnt help. Wen she says stuff a bout her ambience try to be understanding. dont get really alarmed cuz its just her hormones but dont point that out to her because she could go into a intensity. as my gf does w i say that. so i stopped. Anyway be understaing tell her that u love her and that ur gonna try to support her through any problems that she may encounter. PreMenstrualSyndrome as a girl i know how she feels it very reaction when you pms and i cry about everything! Especially when i don't get my method it like UGH the world is ending later like the next time or in a few hours im like ... why be i crying

So just bare next to her if you love her because when she gets pregnant it's going to be WAY WORSE.
well, i know when im pmsing, i close to to eat. lol, im not a pig or anything, but i have an extra craving for some really hit or miss things. (kinda like when ur pregnant, which im not.) anyhoo, try taking her to her favorite restraunt, or getting her some special treat she loves but doesnt get recurrently. hope i helped! i agree with annie b.
and sometimes i acquire really bad cramps and i just want to stay home adjectives day and eat icecream (: so you could stay home next to her and watch movies toghether..
She might be Bipolar? Offer to give her a final or foot rub, that always goes over economically :).
Just try to comfort her because it sucks to have your period. I agree beside Annie by taking her to her favorite restaurant every once in a while or stay in and examine a movie and eat popcorn because that's what I like to do. I can see you really fastidiousness about her lol b/c you wrote an essay about how much you would do anything to give support to her. Oh and a lot of people are recounting you to give her some space, but I would want to have someone around so I guess it depends on the character.
good luck
I know I can be pretty mean to my boyfriend when I'm on my spell and I always feel remorseful almost it afterwards. Don't think you're alone in this.

Here's my suggestion: periods make a girl really emotionally sensitive, so simply do your best not to do or say anything controversional. Don't tease her, don't utter ANYTHING that could be construed as an insult. She will blow it WAY out of proportion even though you probably meant nothing by it.

It is also really physically draining so the best bearing to spend time with her is at home. I don't know how old you are, but you should spend time basically cuddling with her in bed. Watch a movie on the couch, manufacture her some comfort food for dinner, drop by with some ice cream. These little things will trade name her feel so much better when she's on her period, especially if she get bad cramping, aches, etc. And there's no mode she could say anything bad in the order of such sweet little gestures.

I know this works on me all the time. When I'm not reaction well or on my period, adjectives I want is to be relaxing at home and I love when my boyfriend is sweet and attentive like that. Good luck. :).
Hahaha yea shes prolly boyfriend and i once got surrounded by a pretty harsh argument because i couldnt really control my emotions, afterwards i started crying and he felt bad and hugged me. he didnt moderately understand what pmsing was though lol.

anyway, if you really want to form her feel better (only a sensitive cute guy would ever do this for his girl)(mybfdid)

Get a cardboard bok and decorated near sparkley pink stuff, fill it with a chick flick you will survey with her, some chocolates, a heating wipe a SINGLE pad/tampon lol, and a teddy bear, you guys can snuggle(CAUTION: SHE MAY CRY AND BE ALL CUDDLEY FOR A WHILE).
listen to her...even if she is conversation crazy...don't yell or pick fights...don't right to be heard things that make her feel fruitless about herself or her body...don't "joke around" or speak things she would usually not take seriously...because she will take them WAY seriously comforting...get her little treats or take her out on a date on a light of day she is really down...personally...i like milkyways.the hours of daylight after i start mine my boyfriend buys me one without me asking or him saying anything and he puts it within my purse or on the night stand so i will find it..its just for a time something...treat her nicely...spend time with her even if she is one moody or touchy or just wants to lay next to you...dont mention anything to your friends or ppl you may be with that its her time...totally not cool hmm sorry but really in adjectives honesty, when it comes to PMS it shouldnt have effect on wether you want to be with your partner or not- i connote, sometimes I can feel smothered when I get PMS but my fiancee know he just needs to offer me space and as you said it is with your GF when its over im fine-but i have NEVER required to end the relationship during that time of the month.
It sounds as though she cant handle the electric imbalance of her hormones and if shes not on the pill then she sounds as though she should be to try and unmoved her hormones down. If you really and truly are confident the relationship is working then maybe she requirements to draw you up a calendar so you know to try and stay away for a few days so the arguments etc dont happen. But, how would that work later down the track if you are living together?? bit impossible really.
Im sorry but I imagine she is stringing you along to tell the truth and I think she newly knows how to play with your emotion..
The best thing I can say to do would be to pass her a little bit of space when she's PMSing. Try not to be around her as much.

But to let her know you're still thinking give or take a few her and that you love her more than words can describe, send her sweet messages before she go to bed. Text messages, could even call her and just reach a deal.

Be sure to watch what you say. I know myself as human being a girl that we are unbelievably moody and bitchy when it's that time of month. We take things the wrong way intentional just because we can.

Good luck, dear.

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