First length; when will it turn away?!?!?

ok i got my first period on thursday, and very soon its sunday (4 days later!) how long until it goes away, it is really starting to bug me! Also please pass me any tips since this is my first period, like how to go and get rid of these annoying cramps!!

19 years weak, my girl is 15 weeks pregnant, i'm terrified?

My first one lasted 8 days.
It all depends on YOUR body.

How frequent associates would try?

After I have children, my cramps went away, it's my head that hurts immediately on my period. Also after having children, my period only last 4 days instead of 7.

Get some midol for pms, or Advil. Get a heat pad, and put it on your tummy, you will love it. If you live in a elder house that has heating registers on the floor, put a sheet over it, and sit on at hand, it works wonders. the sheet will fill up with hot nouns like a balloon, it's so nice.

My cramps used to be so bad as a teen, I would lay across the hood of my parents sports car when it was really hot outside, it helped. Heat is the answer for nouns. Or take a really warm tub. Hope you feel better soon. One time I ended up sitting contained by a clothes basket, that's where I feel comfortable.

Woman do you know not to drink dampen bottle from your motor that's thaw?

Oh you're going to get sick of hearing this but it's true: Everyone's different. Some women bring back their periods for many days, some lucky little, ladies procure them for only a couple. For the first few years, it can kind of rear around a bit. I didn't settle into a cycle until I was in my belated teens.

If you can take over the counter anti-inflammatory drugs like advil or aleve, try those. Follow the directions on the medication and be sure to start beside the minimal dose. You can take more, within the directed precincts, if you need to.

A heating wipe is a wonderful thing. Really. They sell ones presently that you can just peel break open, stick to your underwear, and presto, instant heating pad. Those things rock. The microwaveable kind are good too, but you need to maintain zapping them to keep them warm. I found one that comes next to a velcro belt, I guess it's for people who pull their lower back or something, but it fits around my hips and it holds the heating pad contained by place which is wonderful.

Ginger is good for cramps. Fresh or ground ginger root in a tea (either next to hot water or warm milk) can really abet take the edge sour. For ground ginger (what most people have handy) try roughly a teaspoon in a cup of milk. Warm the milk to just boiling. Add honey or sweetener to bite, cool and drink. If you're using water, the fresh ginger root is better (about 1/2 inch of peeled, chopped ginger root within a cup - pour boiling water over it like and drink).

Some individuals claim exercises help them with cramps. Personally, when I'm cramping, the closing thing I want to do is some kind of crazy fem-yoga article but, like I said, everyone's different.

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Depending on the person, period can last from 3-7 days of actual blood flow, then probably another 3-5 days of spotting for some culture. I remember when I fist got mine. I got no cramps and it go away in 3 days, but it was still awful.

As for the cramps, exercise other helps. I do lots of stretches, walk, and jog when I get mine. If exercise doesnt help, at hand are certain pain killer you can take that are especially designed for mentrual cramps.

Hope this help =]

I attain greatly of cramp during my period?

AAWWWW i remember my first time...and i remember i asked my mother for a wipe. i don't know if you have a mother in your vivacity, but if you do, ask her everything. it's all genetic. whatever your mom go through, chances are you're gonna go through equal thing. i highly recommend asking any or adjectives of your female blood relatives. you'll get a indisputable good idea in the order of everything.

just wait until you're our age, and you'll be beseeching to get your period...hormones are the fun constituent! hahaha

take tylenol or advil. aleeve is really strong, and i don't recommend you start on that until you're older. merely so your body doesn't get immune to it right away.
good luck!

I enjoy an ovarion cyst..?

a time of year can last up to 8 days, i know its annoying but all u can do really is keep on it out
for the cramps you could take painkillers such as panadol, nurofen, advil, etc.
but they do have painkillers especially for period, its called naprogesiac
the cramps are due to the contractions of the uterus during menstruation,
u could also ease this in need painkillers by putting a hot water bottle on you lower abdomen, taking a tub or shower, and sport/exercise is also supposed to ease cramps as well
hope this help =]

Could i hold an ovary cyst?

My first period lasted around 6 or 7 days but in a minute its only like 4 so it adjectives depends on your body. As for the cramps thing the best thing to do is stay live. At the beginning i would just lay down and merely stay under the covers but it didn't really make the cramps any better. The item that worked best for me was taking my dog for a walk or only staying acive around the house. Hope this works for you...=D

Is near anyway to brand your length step by faster?

Periods can be as short as three days or as long as eight. It all depends on the person. The average length is five days, so yours may progress away soon.
I recommend drinking warm water or tea to relieve cramps. You can bring medication from your doctor as well. Also, taking a warm hip bath should help. Personally, taking naps help my period cramps. (:

Losing ur Virginity?

Oh man, I remember when I got my first term... not fun! Mine lasted like a week, and my cramps be unbearable! If you stand up and bring your knee up towards your chest that should assist... it does for me atleast. Don't worry, you'll have it for a long, long time, you'll achieve used to it.

Funny how the women get stuck with this mess!

Random orgasms?

Periods usually later between 4-8 days. Periods can be much easier if you use tampons and something like Premsyn for cramps. I have tried Premsyn, Pamprin, and other NSAID's (such as over the counter motrin) and Premsyn is the best for cramps.

GIRLS- which birth control (besides abstinence) do u regard as is best and why?

Periods second different times for different people. Could be a few days to almost a week. Some people own it longer, I have had it once for over two months, and the doctors said I be healthy besides the fact. o.O No worries tho.

Bc cross-examine give a hand?

My first term started about 6 months ago, Drink lots of water for the cramps, and chomp through a small bar of chocolate(: It should be over by wedesday

If someone...?

it will go away any tomorrow night. if you take a shower surrounded by the morning the bleeding will stop even faster but still wear a pad all year so you dnt have any accidents.

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Cramps: pocket advil and it will go away
probably end by tuesday

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it should simply last 4 days per month

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Kinda gross ..but im upset..!!?
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