I be aware of pressure against my clitoris that give me an incessant desire to pee.?
Girls single please... [2 questions]?
It seems as though you may have an infection. A UTI if exceedingly possible. Go to a doctor or save the trip and go to a pharmacy and ask the pharmacist for an evaluation first.Too cagey going on for my length??
You should first try the yeast infection medicine, you can get at any pharmacy store... If it is still desperate, then you could possibaly have a UTI... You should jump to the doctor soon after if the medicine doesn't work, UTI's can get totally serious.Going to the gynecologist.what are they going to do to me?
this is your normal bladder infection, its very adjectives among women (we do have it hard sometimes). Its best to treat these things near an antibiotic, it clears everything up rather quickly and help prevent it coming back. IF you would rather not see a doctor of late yet, then cranberry liquid and a lot of water, its a nice method of flushing the system out, so to speak.x
My mom WON'T jump to the doctors for a check-up OR pap smear.?
do you have any pain contained by your lower side or back? if so you could have a kidney stone blocking your urine. honey turn to the doc ok? thats not normal and if you are still a virgin i am assuming you are young. You stipulation to get this diagnosed now so that if it happen in the future you know what you are dealing next to.sounds like a UTI. Just drink alot of cranberry juice and river until it goes away.
Will I achieve my time of year prompt or no. . . ?
yer um go see a doctor, feminine preferably, and get it checked out,Has anyone ever taken lupron for endometriosis?
Havent gotten my extent surrounded by resembling two months, but pregnancy test read out not pregnant?
I am wanting to know if Laparoscopy (TUBES TIED) Is right for me, can ya sustain a gal?
My virgina make farting sounds during sex!?