Help girls lone?

i have a big lump on the inside of my thigh and it hurts its only be there for a day but it feel really hard i cant show my mum as its to close to my privert parts lol pls help


I don't deduce your Mum would know what it is either, just run see your doctor, they will know what to do. They see all sorts of things and don't care almost your private parts :)

Chances of her pregnant?(please help)?

If it close to your 'private parts' then there is a break it could be a hernia. Have you done a lot of walking or running recently? It is not dicey, but it is painful - you will need to speak to your doctor - but speak to your mum 1st - she will be glad you can run to her for help! And remember she seen you in your birthday suit as a baby and has raise you so she wont be embarassed!


If it is in the groin it could be a swollen lymph node indicating an infection of some type. Herpes or other sexually transmitted diseases can cause this but also so can some kind of cancers. I am sure you can see why so many empire tell you to go to the doctor or notify your mom as it is something that only a professional would be able to diagnose. Good Luck!

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What you describing is seem like cyst, they come and go. If it is massively uncomfortable, try to put a pillow between your legs when you sitting. I advise you to be in motion to your GP, your mum does not have to go next to you if you do not want. Do not worry it is common. Doctor will refer you to clinic where on earth they can drain it. Sometimes person needs to be put on antibiotics. Hope you quality better soon.

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You should show someone! Put on a big pair of knickers and go show your mum! Don't be embarrased!

If it hasn't gone away within three days then you should definitely budge to the Doctors.

I'm sure it's fine - could be just a bruise or something, but you should be on the safe side.

Good luck honey.


Can an ovarian cyst on the moved out hurt on the right side towards the middle..?

budge to the doctors

show ur mum if u can, just try to, shes not guna judge u or anything, ive have to show my mum my mum my private places 4 loadsa medical reasons

just engineer sure that u definately go to the doctors, even if its nothing vital, just get it checked out, although it doesnt nouns like nothing

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what you own is an abscess don't try and burst it as that can cause you problems and will end up man bigger. So try putting a hot cloth over it and lightly press on it. Do this for about 2 to 3 days if this doesn't clear it up next go to the doctor and they will try bursting it for you.

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Hi Lois I'm wondering if this is possibly an Inguinal Hernia. You need to narrate your mom so that she can take you to the doctor.

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Sounds like a clogged sweat gland or a infected fuzz follicle. I get them all the time. You should put a hugely warm wash cloth on it or sit surrounded by a really warm bath for a while. Then try and pop it. Keep it as verbs as possible.

Doctors, please answer this.?

TELL YOUR MOM, she saw you as a baby for goodness sakes lol. And I have the same thing. My cist go away, but we thought it was a tumor first so my mom took me to the doctors and relieved it was not, so speak about your mother.

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Well, i don't think anyone can guess what that is, you own to show it to an adult, maybe a doctor or if you don't want to relay your mom, go to the clinic at your school and ask the nurse!!

I have need of comfort next to the girl areas :O?

turn to the doctor,

i had a mole on my boob and i had to show the doctor.

dude you come out of your moms pussy and she wiped your ***, it doesn't matter if she see or not,

When do you have an idea that im going to achieve my extent??

So what if it's close to your private part's? You both are girls, and your related, so what you worried about? Honest, show your mum and she'll be able to relieve you.

Whats going on? It's nearly period by the bearing?

Why can't you show it to your mom, she is your mom and seen it before or you should steal it in for a check up then.

Hey I want my time?

hm. share your mom, and just make it clear that you are worried and NOT comfortable beside her seeing it.
Get her to take you to a doc. It could be serious!
Keep me updated, kay?

Gynae - discharge report?

you must tell your mom...i apprehend that you are embarissed to show your mom but it is something she would know better about. please tell her. It is for your condition...your life could depend on it.

Have you ever gone to someones house and?

I would advise you to turn to a female doctor at your surgery-she will be able to support you and answer all your questions. It's really not upsetting at all when you go!! Good luck xox

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If you regard that it could be something serious...than you have to show your mom..or show someone you never's better to be safe than sorry, right?

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why couldn't you show your mom?
you should show her.
you may requirement to see a dermatologist or a ginacologist
it may be cancer

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Probably an infected hair follicle, especially if you shave there. See your GP if it doesn't walk away in a few me, they've seen far worse so don't get the impression embarrassed!

Cysts contained by breast?

Its probably a boil or an infected hair follicle use some disinfectant and if it doesnt step down in a couple of days see your doc

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If your wearing knickers surely you still should be able to show your mum in need revealing too much.

Still no time and its be close to 4-5 months?

it could be an abscess soak it in warm sea and see if it bursts (don't force it just squeeze gently) if not progress and see the doc you may need antibiotic cream



Go to a doctor. It may be a cist or lump that needs to removed. You obligation to get it checked immediately.

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i would any go ahead and show ur mom or go to the doctor. it could b something serious so its okay to show ur mom wear underwear i have it in mind its ur mom.

Period quest?

Sorry I am not a girl, but show it to your mum , she has seen everything you own got. Don't be shy.

How can a girl know by herself if she's still a virgin or not?

go see a doc!
relay your um jus don't show it to her and dont worry about the docter seeing it!!

What do you mingy by "My vagina is discharging"?

why no guys?

1 - cyst

2 - hernia

3 - coat folicle

I orgasm when I own sex QUICKLY.?

you have glands there that will hold any infection, walk to the doctors for your peace of mind, good luck xxx

Nervous to aks my mom to consent to me use tampons?

Show your mom. It could a pimple or cyst.

She's your mom there is zilch she hasn't already seen, lol.

I own my length, but I hold to run to a gathering.?

show the doctor then, could be an infected hackle follicle

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Period problem.?
The color of my vagina own become black, is in attendance any remedy/tip to relieve it out?I myself am a white feminine.?
What can be done to decrese the stomach strain during period!?
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