Feel much bigger assist?
my period is not due till monday but i never get this befroe my length
i thought it was just swelling from have sex what u think
Answers: It may be swelling after sex or it may be one of those one time things from swelling before menstral cycle. I would linger and see and if it dosnt go down see a doctor. My mother waited for two months and have the same symptoms, and she had something wrong beside her uterus. I'm not excactly sure what it is called but it's on the tip of my tounge. It was indeo metris or something close to that . Well either way she be perfectly healthy and finished having 3 surgeries and had to procure a hysterectomy. You never know it could be serious or not. Just do what your comfortable with and if it dosnt go down later see a doctor to find out and out your mind at ease. What its gonna hurt besides taking a little time out of your year to make sure your healthy.
Maybe you are only bloated. Sometimes I get bloated before period. If you are really worried see a doctor. Oh by the way your baby boy is gorgeous contained by the picture!
I'm nearly to start crying I'm scaredd..what's going on beside me?
No biggy,You're just bloated. It happens to adjectives of us before period.
What's wrong beside me?
Could it be a yeast infection?
If i'm not pregnant consequently what's rong next to me?