I'm nearly to start crying I'm scaredd..what's going on beside me?

I'm 16. I finished my period last dark. this about an hour ago I showered and I douched to clean myself out. but very soon I'm bleeding! I filled up a tampon in five minutes! it's seeming to slow down immediately though,,it's not bleeding as heavy. What happened? HOw can I variety it stop? and if it stops bleeding soon would it be safe to have sex latter? Would I start bleeding again?

For the concluding two or three months, i enjoy be spotting blood approaching two weeks after my extent, why is that?

My best educated guess would be that if you just finished your term and you douched, then you more than likely irritated your vaginal wall or your uterus. During your interval, your uterus sheds its lining and blood vessels are exposed and bleeding, thus the blood flow see in menstration. My guess would be that when you douched, an area that "clotted" surrounded by your was opened again from the force of the wet. It's like picking a scab off of a wound. It bleeds again. That is why it be so heavy. It started to slow up because your body naturally started to clot again. If you would verbs to fill a pad or tampon every five minutes, after you need to call 911 or achieve to an emergency room ASAP. That is a hemorrhage and you can lose a lot of blood very summarily. I would not have sex later. I would dally about a day. You could potentially irritate the nouns again and it could bleed. It's up to you. My only recommendation from a healthcare stand-point is to not douch. When you do that, you rinse out your "good" bacteria and alter the vaginal pH. When you do that, you now lower your handiness to fight infection which can leave you beside a yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis. Because you are sexually active, just the stroke of sex alone could be enough to give you one repulsive infection. Hope this helps.

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It sounds like your extent may not have been completly done. Sometimes you imagine it is over, but it isnt. I have the same issue. I am wondering if you may enjoy put the douche in too far... But I am sure it will be fine. If you do not stop bleeding or you keep bleeding that much you may want to report to someone. And yes it is safe to have sex then. You may start bleeding again but if your man is gentle with you I am sure you will be fine. Good luck

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dont verbs, apparently your period wasnt totally finished. Sometimes I think mine is but afterwards 2 days later I will have some sudden bleeding again, but consequently it stops again. Also the douche probably irritated you inside and caused you to bleed again. Yes you would probably bleed again if you had sex latter today

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i think that most probably you may have lost track of when your extent ended and you had it agian, except conceivably the douch made it bleed a little more because water be mixed into it, and it exaggerated everything a little more..
i dont think you'll be bleeding till your subsequent period and im very sure that it will be risk-free to still have it later.
apposite luck. hope this helps.!

My strange Masacre almost this pill!?

Sometimes you can start bleeding again even if you think it's done. I don't expect it's unsafe to have sex, if your partner gets grossed out by it, it's probably a dutiful idea to wait a few days.

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Well you can't brand name it stop. Second, STOP DOUCHING. It makes things worse. DON'T DO IT AGAIN.

What is this?

your so young u shouldnt be have sex at that age.

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Could you have scratched yourself while douching? Or maybe your spell wasnt quite over yet? Ive have that happen before, purely when I think it's over, it starts up again a little bit. To be on the out of danger side I would talk to your mom or go to a dr to craft sure there isnt something wrong. As far as sex, I personally would continue until the bleeding had stopped for awhile. If you did scratch yourself, you wouldnt want him knock the scab loose & start bleeding again. & I wont lecture about have sex at your age (we were all 16 at one time) freshly please be safe & use protection. (ok my speech is over) Hope this helps

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