Can a Yeast infection be passed spinal column and forth between a man and woman?

Is it possible that I am a carrier for yeast infections in my wife. Are within any remedies to make sure I don't cause this problem any more?

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Yes, yeast infections can be passed posterior and forth between sexual partners. It is recommended you not have sex beside a woman who is being treated for one. Both of you should be treated at the same time, beside no sexual contact until treatment is complete. Go see your doctor...He will tell you how to treat yours. As far as I know, there are no OTC remedies for a man. Good luck!

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Hi Grizz,

Yes they can!

Yeast infections are so adjectives its ridiculous and they always seem to come at the worse times. I have it for 6 months at one point which was a real low point and I unloved the idea of using all those chemicals so I did some research on the internet and found one out of the ordinary website so useful since it was completely inborn!

In my experience it has been the just thing that got rid of my infection for right!
If you want to give it a try you can find it at

Good luck hun!

Another wierd dream but GRLS ONLY PLZ?

you and your wife need to nick probiotics daily to prevent future yeast infection breakouts , at hand are tablets made by azo that are homopathic that are used to treat and prevent yeast in fections but im not sure if they work for men but you can take the probiotics .

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yes, step to the doctor to get it sorted out.

try natural live yogurt but im not sure if this works for blokes.

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