Emergency doctor?

im having problems with my lower belly (sharp pains, cramping)
im not pregnant according to tests
my doctor hasnt got appointments until thursday
is this a well brought-up enough case to impart emergency doctors a call? it really hurts but i dont want to put them out if they could be helping someone else is a worse condition than me

I lately wax my legs the first time and get a purple row on my thigh. What is it and how do i receive rid of it?

if you have any other sympoms yes, but even if its purely the pain go to the ER.

My doctor told me EVERYONE HAS CYSTS on their ovaries --- is this true ??

okay what side of your stomach if it happens on both sides it can be a fibriod on the fallopein tube a ovarian cysts

Fibroids are benign growths (not cancer) in the muscular wall of the uterus. These growths can be thoroughly tiny or as large as a cantaloupe. causes unhealthy bleeding if you have heavy bleeding at hand is this thing that you can do the doctor will put boiling water i dream up inside your uterus

Often functional cysts do not cause any symptoms (you may not even know you have one), but other times they can make happen abdominal pain, menstrual irregularities, nausea and vomiting. If you have a functional cyst, your doctor may want to check you again surrounded by 1 to 3 months to make sure the cyst has gotten smaller. If you develop functional cysts habitually, your doctor may want you to take birth control pills so you won't ovulate. If you don't ovulate, you won't form functional cysts.

Does have a guy squeeze your breasts hurt?

go to tha doc that's other a good try what do you have to lose

Ladies-do you enjoy any lumps underneath your stomach?

Do you imagine i enjoy an drinking disorder? I binge on weekends ?
Where is it?? do i even own one?
I can't catch bad chunk ! Help!!?
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